(a) the details of the new atomic power plants likely to be established in the near future, location-wise;

(b) the details of power generated by the plants functioning currently in the country;

(c) whether the Government is contemplating to increase the nuclear power generation in the coming years;

(d) if so, the plans/strategy chalked out in this regard including the participation of private sector;

(e) the quantity of atomic energy likely to be made available for use in medical and power sectors in the coming year;

(f) the time by which the atomic powe1 plant with a capacity of 2000 MW is likely to be sanctioned for Madhya Pradesh?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of nuclear power plants scheduled to start commercial operations in the next two years are :

Project/Location	Capadty inMWe	Scheduled date of	commercial operation
Tarapur AtomIc Power Project 540 - PHWR 2006 Unit 3, Maharashtra
Kalga Atomic Power Project 2 x 220 - PHWR Unit 3 - March 2007 Units 3 & 4, Karnataka Unit 4 - Sept, 2007
Kudankulam Nuclear Power 2 x 1000 LWRs Unit 1 - Dec. 2007 Proejcts Units 1 & 2 , Tamil Unit 2 - Dec. 2008 Nadu
Rajasthan Atomic Power 2. x 220 PHWRs Unit 5- August 2007 Proejct Units 5 & 6 Unit 6 - February 2008

[PHWRs - Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors; LWRs - Light Water Reactors]

In addition, a 500 MWe Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) is also under construction at Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu. This Unit is scheduled to start commerdal operation in March 2011.

(b) Current generation of electricity from Nuclear Power Stations is about 50 million units per day.

(c) Yes Sir.

(d) It has been planned to reach an installed nuclear power capacity of about 20,000 MWe by the year 2020. However, the recent initiatives of the Government may open up the possibility of setting up of additional capacity based on imports. The participation of private sector for setting up of additional nuclear power plants is also being considered However, no decision has been taken in this regard.

(e) The nuclear materials required for medical and other uses are distinct from the fuel for the power reactors.

(f) There Is no proposal at present for setting 2000 MWe nuclear power plant in Madhya Pradesh. However, the sites in Madhya Pradesh will be considered for setting up a nuclear power plant at a later date depending on the nuclear power programme and other energy options available in the region. However, the Madhya Pradesh has a share of power from the nuclear power stations in operation in the Western Region and shall also have a share from those under construction/planned in the region.