(a) whether there is any mechanism for monitoring the various Central Sponsored Schemes for development of sports and youths in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government proposes to nominate local Member of Parliament to supervise and chair the monitoring committee for proper utilization of funds released under various schemes in the respective areas;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether new talents are not entering the sports due to improper development of sports in the absence of proper sports policy;

(f) whether the Government proposes to change the existing sports policy;

(g) if so, the details of the proposed changes; and

(h) the steps taken by the Government to promote sports among the youths?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Yes, Sir.

(b) At present, the Ministry is implementing one Centrally Sponsored Scheme namely, National Service Scheme(NSS).

The Central share for National Service Scheme is released to the State Governments in 2-3 instalments through the treasury transfer. The programme funds to educational institutions are released by the State Governments. The scheme is monitored by the Ministry through Regional Offices of NSS. The monitoring includes components like enrolment of volunteers, holding of regular activities and special camps and liaisoning with State Liaison Officers, NSS. Moreover, further releases are made only after receiving the utilization certificate for released funds from the States/Union Territories.

(c) & (d): There is no such proposal under consideration at present.

(e) & (f): No, Sir.

(g) Does not arise.

(h) `Sports` is a State subject and promotion of sports at the State level is the responsibility of the concerned State Government. National Sports Federations (NSFs) are responsible to promote sports at national and international level. However, in order to promote the sports, Government supplements these efforts through following measures:-

(i) Finalization & implementation of Long Term Development Plans (LTDPs) for various sports disciplines in consultation with the concerned National Sports Federations, former international sportspersons and sports/scientists experts.

(ii) Provision of equipment and scientific support to sportspersons.

(iii) Intensive coaching of the players by Indian and foreign coaches in coaching camps.

(iv) Intensive training abroad to the teams as well as Indian Coaches.

(v) Financial assistance to concerned federations for participation of sportspersons in international tournaments.

(vi) The outstanding boys and girls are provided scholarships so that they can have nutritious diet, sports equipment support and be able to pursue sports as a career. Scholarships are also given for research in sports.

(vii) Assistance for purchase of equipment, scientific support and training and participation within the country and abroad is provided under the `Scheme relating to Talent Search and Training` and the `National Sports Development Fund`.

(viii) With a view to broad basing of sports and scouting for talent at a young age, the Government is assisting Army under `Army Boys Sports Company Scheme` (ABSC). In addition to eight existing ABSCs, ten more ABSCs have been sanctioned.
(ix) 25 Navodaya Vidyalayas have been approved to be included in the National Talent Search Contest Scheme (NTSC).
(x) The scheme for Special Area Games (SAG) aims to scout and nurture the national talent for modern competitive sports and games from inaccessible tribal, rural and coastal areas. The children are admitted from the age group of 14 to 21 years. There are 16 SAG centres in the country. Two new SAG centres are proposed for 2005-06.
(xi) Rural Sports Programme: Financial assistance of Rs. 30,000/- is given to States/NGOs for holding local rural tournaments at district level for any particular discipline, including indigenous sports. In addition, state level and national level rural sports competitions are organized by Sports Authority of India(SAI).
(xii) Promotion of Sports and Games in Schools: Financial assistance of Rs. 75,000/- per district is payable to states for organizing inter-school tournaments in Athletics and four other disciplines. The state level tournament is organized by SAI in collaboration with State/UT Governments. National level inter-school tournaments are organized by SAI.
(xiii) Under the Scheme of North East Sports Festival, state and district level competitions are organized by concerned state authorities with assistance from SAI. Regional level competitions for North East are held by SAI in coordination with state authorities.