Question : Upgradation of FTII

(a) whether the Government has assessed the performance of film and Television Institute of India (FTII) and if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether the Government has any plan to upgrade the facilities, syllabus and course content at the FTII Pune, if so, the details thereof along with the extent to which up-gradation is likely to be beneficial for the students;

(c) whether the Government also proposes to increase the number of faculty and intake of students in the said institutes, if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether the 90% of the cost per student in FTII is born by the Government, if so, the details thereof; and

(e) the steps taken /being taken by the Government to make the institute more accountable and transparent?

Answer given by the minister


(a): The performance of the Institute is periodically assessed through meetings of the Society and Governing Council, Audit and Annual Report submitted by the Institute and audit by the C&AG.

(b): For the twelfth five year plan Rs. 80 crores have been allocated for up-gradation of FTII. The primary targets of the scheme are:

(i) Up-gradation of existing infrastructure of FTII and creation of additional infrastructure to meet the growing needs of the Institute. This includes construction of new main theatre, class room theatres, student hostels etc.
(ii) Replacement of obsolete equipment and procurement of modern equipment to keep pace with the technological changes in film and television industry including HD technology.

FTII is also in the process of aligning the syllabus and course content, in view of the technological advances so as to enhance the analytical and creative abilities of the students.

(c): No Sir.

(d): Yes Sir. For the academic year 2014-15, approximately 94% of the cost per student was born by the Government.

(e): There exists a mechanism of periodic audit including audit by C&AG, meetings of the Society and Governing Council of the Institute which include representatives from the Government and domain experts.


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