(a) the details of the fruits and vegetables exported during each of the last three years, value-wise and commodity-wise;

(b) the schemes being implemented by the Government for promoting the exports of the fruits and vegetables alongwith the concessions and facilities being provided to the farmers and exporters under the said schemes;

(c) the extent upto which the farmers are being/likely to be benefited from the said schemes;

(d) whether the Government has taken a decision to allow the export of certain fruits and vegetables having huge domestic demand;

(e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(f) whether the Government proposes to reconsider the decision in view of domestic demand and high market price of the fruits and vegetables; and g) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The details of exports of fruits and vegetables during 2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11 are as given below:

Qty: ‘000 MTs; Value: Rs lakhs 
PRODUCT 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value Fresh Onions 1670.19 182752 1664.92 231943 1163.47 174155 Other Fresh 505.29 68020 419.24 73186 490.91 89294 Vegetables Walnuts 5.70 14124 9.07 19790 5.24 15651 Fresh Mangoes 83.70 17071 74.46 20054 59.22 16292 Fresh Grapes 124.63 40861 131.15 54534 99.31 41206 Other Fresh 256.77 43087 260.68 52283 253.85 48965 Fruits Total 2646.27 365916 2559.53 451790 2072.01 385563

Source: APEDA. Note: The complete data on annual basis for 2011-12 is not yet available.

(b&c) The Government is implementing number of measures and incentives for promoting the exports of agricultural products including fruits and vegetables under Plan schemes of the Commodity Boards and Export Promotion Councils etc. which are likely to benefit the entire horticulture industry. The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), under the administrative control of the Department of Commerce is also implementing various Schemes to extend financial assistance to the eligible exporters; namely Schemes for Market Development; Infrastructure Development; Quality Development; Research & Development and Transport Assistance. Besides these measures, the Ministry of Commerce & Industry has put in place various schemes namely MDA, MAI, ASIDE, Vishesh Krishi and Gram Upaj Yojana, Focus Product Scheme, Focus Market Scheme, Town of Export Excellence, etc. to encourage exports. The Government also provides assistance under Centrally Sponsored Scheme on National Horticulture Mission (NHM) for various interventions aimed at increasing production and productivity of horticultural crops for the holistic development of horticulture in the country. Production related activities include development of planting material through nurseries, area expansion, rejuvenation, Integrated Pest Management, Integrated Nutrient Management, creation of water resources. Besides, assistance is also being included for creating infrastructure for post harvest management and marketing.

(d & e) Export of fruits and vegetables are permitted without any restriction under the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP). The Government keeps a close and constant watch on the availability of all agriculture products at reasonable price in domestic market and imposes restrictions on their exports as and when required.

(f & g) Does not arise.