Question : Nal Jal Yojana

(a) the details and the status of Nal Jal Yojana in rural areas of the country including Bihar along with per capita water consumption and basic requirement thereof;
(b) the success achieved by the Government to provide drinking water under Nal Jal Yojana as per the need of all the villages of the country;
(c) whether the Government has formulated any concrete policy in this regard; and
(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a)& (b) To enable every rural household in the country to have potable water at service level of 55litre per capita per day (lpcd) through tap water connection by 2024, Government of India, in partnership with States, is implementing Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) – Har Ghar Jal with an estimated cost of Rs. 3.60 lakh Crore.
At the time of announcement of Jal Jeevan Mission on 15th August, 2019, about 3.23 Crore rural households were reported to have tap water connections. Since then, 3.41 Crore rural households have been provided tap water connection, thus as on date, out of 19.18 Crore rural households across the country, 6.64 Crore (34.63%) are reported to have potable tap water supply in their homes. As reported by the State, as on 08.02.2021, out of 1.97 Crore rural households in the State of Bihar, 1.27 Crore (64.11%) have tap water connections.
Further, all rural households in Goa and Telangana are reported to have tap water supply. State/ UT-wise achievements made under JJM is in public domain and available on the JJM dashboard:
(c)& (d) Operational guidelines for the implementation of Jal Jeevan Mission – Har Ghar Jal has been firmed up in consultation with State Governments and other stakeholders working in water sector, and the same was released on Good Governance day i.e. 25.12.2019. The Operational Guidelines for the implementation of JJM is also in public domain and available on the website

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