(a): The aims and objectives of Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana atpresent are as under:-
(i) To provide electricity connection to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families free of charge.
(ii) Creation of Rural Electricity Distribution Backbone (REDB) with at least one 33/11KV
(or 66/11KV) substation in each block of the district.
(iii) Creation of Village Electrification Infrastructure (VEI) with at least one distribution transformer in each village/habitation.
(iv) Creation of Decentralised Distributed Generation (DDG) systems where grid supply is not feasible or cost effective.
(v) To cover all the remaining census villages and habitations with population of above 100.
(b): There is no upfront allocation of funds to States/UTs under RGGVY Scheme.Funds are released against sanctioned projects in installments based on the reported utilization of funds in the previous installment(s) and fulfillment of other conditionalities.
However, as on 31.05.2014, a capital subsidy of Rs. 2472.15 crore has been released under RGGVY during Phase-ll of XI Plan. The State-wise details are at Annex-I.
(c) & (d): Under Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), 648 projects were sanctioned in the country during X & XI Plan and Phase-ll of RGGVY. Cumulatively as on 31.05.2014, electrification works in 1.08 lakh un-electrified villages have been completed and free electricity connections to 2.17 crore BPL households have been released in the country including backward areas of various States in the country. The State-wise details are presented at Annex-ll.
Further, the Government of India has approved continuation of RGGVY for XII Five Year Plan in September 2013, under which 273 projects have been sanctioned in the financial year 2013-14, covering electrification of 12,468 un-electrified villages, intensive electrification of 2.32 lakh villages and release of free electricity connections to 1.33 crore BPL households in various States.
(e): Ministry of Power through Rural Electrification Corporation commissioned anindependent third party evaluation of Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana through four Independent agencies.
The major findings of the study are:-
(i) Every block has been provided with minimum one sub-station.
(ii) 11 KV system established under the scheme is adequate to cater to the sanctioned domestic load.
(iii) Distribution transformer capacity is adequate to cater to the envisaged load of BPL households with single point light connection of 40 Watt / 60 Watt, but it falls short of actual load as most BPL families use electricity for many other purposes like fan, heater, TV, refrigerator, etc.
(iv) Some of the households are using electricity through unauthorized connections resulting into overloading and burning of transformers.
(v) Access to electricity has been provided to almost all public places i.e. Schools, Panchayat, Health Centres etc.
(vi) Improvement in Children education, ease in households chores, women empowerment, sense of security and comfort has also been reported.
(vii) All States except Bihar, Jharkhand and parts of UP, supply minimum 6-8 hours of power supply.
The steps taken by the Government to speed up the electrification of villages in the country including naxal affected villages and other backward areas in the country, are;
(i) Government of India has set up an inter-Ministerial Monitoring Committee under chairmanship of Secretary (Power) which periodically meets to review the progress of implementation.
(ii) States have been advised to set up district committees to monitor the progress of rural electrification works. District committees have been set up in all the states to monitor the progress of rural electrification works.
(iii) States have also been advised to associate elected representatives including the Member of Parliament In the District Committee.
(iv) The States have also been requested by MOP to hold monthly meeting under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary to resolve the bottlenecks in implementation of RGGVY.
(v) Ministry of Power as well as Rural Electrification Corporation (REC), the nodal agency for RGGVY, conduct frequent review meetings with all the stakeholders, the concerned State Governments, State Power Utilities and implementing agencies for expeditious implementation of the scheme as per the agreed schedules.
(vi) As per notification of 12th Plan of RGGVY, State Governments have been asked to set up a State Level Standing Committee, headed by the Chief Secretary and consisting of Secretaries of Energy, Rural Development, Finance, Panchayat Raj, Forest, Revenue and a representative of REC etc. to vet the DPR before submitted to REC and also to monitor the progress, quality control & to resolve the issues relating to implementation of sanctioned projects Viz. allocation of land for substation, right of way, forest clearance, safety clearance etc.
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