(a) whether the Government has constituted Village Health Committee (VHC) without the involvement of the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs);

(b) if so, the reasons therefor;

(c) whether the Government has failed to make health plan as a component of village plan and to select Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) through PRIs;

(d) if so, the reasons therefor; and

(e) the corrective measures taken by the Union Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Framework for Implementation of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) provides for constitution of Village Health and Sanitation Committees within the overall framework of Gram Sabha. The guidelines issued by this Ministry state that the Sarpanch of the elected Panchayat should chair the VHSC. If the Gram Panchayat is made of more than one village, the representing Panchayat should chair the VHSC. If there is a health subcommittee of the elected gram Panchayat body that is active then all those members should come into the VHSC so that there is no duplication and the decisions of the VHSC are binding on them.

(c) to (e): District Health Action Plans (DHAP) is the main instrument for planning Intersectoral convergence, implementation and monitoring of activities under NRHM. DHAP is to be based on information from various siources including information of villages captured on various parameters including health a facilities, logistics, coverage of ICDS programmes, availability of elected representatives of Panchayat Raj Institution etc.

The Guidelines envisages involvement of Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRI) in selection of ASHA. Majority of States except Rajasthan and Chandigarh have selected ASHAs with involvement of PRIs.

In Rajasthan, Department of Woman and Child Development has Anganwari Sahayogini at every Anganwari Centre to assist Anganwari Workers. State has decided to train these Sahyogini(Anganwari Helper) as ASHA and designated them as ASHA Sahyogini. In Chandigarh, Anganwardi Workers have been nominated as ASHA.