Question : Projects under PMGSY

(a) the details of the projects/schemes are operational in Bihar under the PradhanMantri Gram SadakYojana (PMGSY) during the last three years;

(b) total amount allocated under the Yojana during the last three years;

(c) whether some additional projects/schemes in Bihar have been reviewed under the said Yojana.

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) whether any special relaxations in norms have been provided to State to expedite the pace of work and if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Ministry has sanctioned projects for 15,603 nos. of road works covering a length of 50,035 kms with an estimated cost of Rs. 25,978 crore to the State of Bihar since inception of PradhanMantri Gram SadakYojana in Dec, 2000 till date. The State has completed 9,126 nos. of road works by constructing 33,846 kms of roads with an expenditure of Rs. 16,272 crore. The details of works sanctioned and funds released during last three years by the Ministry along with achievement by the State is as under:

(c) to (e): The works are sanctioned to the State based on the norms specified in the PMGSY Guidelines .
In order to accelerate the pace of implementation of PMGSY projects in Bihar, it was agreed on the request of State Government to entrust implementation of the scheme from Phase-III onwards to selected Central Agencies. A Tripartite Agreement was signed on 31.8.2004 by the State Government, the Ministry of Rural Development and the following Central Agencies to execute the PMGSY works in the State:

(i) M/s IRCON International Limited.
(ii) M/s National Buildings Construction Corporation Limited.
(iii) M/s National Projects Construction Corporation Limited
(iv) M/s National Hydro-electric Power Corporation Limited.
(v) CPWD

Since then, PMGSY projects of Bihar from Phase-Three to Phase-Eight were being implemented in Bihar by the Central Agencies. The Agency fee to these Agencies for these Phases was borne by the Central Government as a special case.


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