(a) the funds provided to Chhattisgarh after its creation, Scheme-wise; and

(b) the number of proposals lying pending for want of approval and the time by which approval is likely to be accorded to pending proposals?

Answer given by the minister


(a) A statement showing the details of the funds released to the Government of Chhattisgarh for development of tribals after its creation, Scheme-wise, is enclosed at Annexure.

(b) The receipt and sanction of the proposals for the welfare of the tribals is an on-going process. The proposals submitted by the State Governments under the various schemes of this ministry are processed and sanctioned when they fulfill the eligibility condition of the relevant schemes and subject to the availability of funds. For the last three years, the Ministry has been utilizing almost all the funds made available to it for implementation of the various schemes.

Statement referred to in reply to part(a) ofLok Sabha Unstarred Question No.1772 dated 20.7.2004, raised by Shri Pradeep Gandhi regarding `Funds vrovided to Chhattisgarh`.

Details of funds released to the Government of Chhattisgarh under the Schemes of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs

(Rs. in lakhs)
S.N. Scheme 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04
1 Special Central Assistance to Tribal 3695.36 4626.18 4626.18 4405.13 Sub Plan
2 Grant Under Article 275(1) of the 1530.62 2086.77 2689.50 2089.00 Constitution
3 Boys and Girls Hostel - 10.00 - -
4 Educational Complex in low literacy pockets 11.39 9.95 9.73 9.20
5 V ocational Training Centre - 7.22 120.35 -
6 Ashram Schools - 400.00 - -
7 Development of PTGs 36.81 54.02 198.29 121.46
8 Assistance to Voluntary Organisations - 12.71 13.62 19.85
9 Post Matric Scholarship, Book Bank & - - 61.28 28.29 Upgradation of Merit
Total 5274.18 7206.85 7718.95 6672.93