Question : Implementation of Schemes

(a) the details of the schemes being implemented by the Government to promote and develop sports in the country specially in the rural areas;
(b) the funds allocated for each discipline of sports under these schemes during the last three years and the current year, year-wise; and
(c) the details of funds utilised under the said schemes during the said period?

Answer given by the minister


(a) A Centrally Sponsored Scheme, namely, Panchayat Yuva Krida Aur Khel Abhiyan (PYKKA) was implemented during the period from 2008-09 to 2013-14 to encourage mass participation in sporting activities. Under PYKKA Scheme, sports competitions, namely, rural sports competitions, women sports competitions and north east games were conducted and playfields were developed in Village Panchayats and Block Panchayats all over India. PYKKA Scheme was reviewed and revised as Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan (RGKA), also a Centrally Sponsored Scheme and was implemented during the period 2014-15 and 2015-16. Under RGKA Scheme, besides rural sports competitions, women sports competitions and north east games, competitions in left wing extremism affected areas
were also held. Both PYKKA and RGKA were applicable all over India including rural areas.
A Central Sector Scheme, namely, Urban Sports Infrastructure Scheme (USIS) was implemented by this Ministry during the period from 2010-11 to 2015-16 under which funds were granted to States/Union Territories (UTs) for development of sports infrastructure facilities.
A new Scheme called “Khelo India – National Programme for Development of Sports”, is being implemented by this Ministry as a Central Sector Scheme from the financial year 2016-17. This Scheme provides for conducting sports competitions in two age groups of (i) under 14 and (ii) under 17 all over India to encourage mass participation of both boys and girls in Sports and creation of sports infrastructure facilities, namely, Synthetic Athletic Track, Synthetic Hockey Field, Synthetic Turf Football Ground, Multipurpose hall, Swimming pool, etc., and identification of sporting talents. This scheme is applicable all over India including rural areas.
(b) & (c) The Schemes were / are demand driven schemes. Proposals, as and when received from States / UTs, if complete in all respects and technically feasible, were / are sanctioned subject to availability of funds. Funds were / are released to a State / UT as and when the proposal for development of sports infrastructure was/is sanctioned to that State/UT.
Funds allocated and utilized during the last three years and current year are as below:
<pre> (Rs. in crore)
S. No. Year Funds allocated Funds utilized
(Budget Estimates) (Actual Expenditure)
1. 2014-15 240.00 108.73
2. 2015-16 120.00 82.52
3. 2016-17 140.00 118.10
4. 2017-18 350.00 50.22
(As on 12.07.2017)</pre>

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