Question : Ishan Vikas and Ishan Uday Schemes

(a) the details of the objectives of Ishan Vikas and Ishan Uday Schemes for the students of the
North Eastern States;
(b) the total amount of funds received and utilised under the said schemes during the last three
years including the district-wise number and details of the beneficiary students; and
(c) the number of beneficiaries whom the Government has targeted to reach under the said schemes
including the time by which the said target is likely to be achieved?

Answer given by the minister

(Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ''Nishank'')

(a) to (c): Ishan Vikas and Ishan Uday schemes are being implemented for the students of North
Eastern region.
Under the Ishan Vikas programme, selected school children from the North-Eastern states
are brought in close contact with the Indian Institute of Technology (IITs), Indian Institutes of
Science Education and Research (IISERs) and National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS)
during their vacation periods to motivate them to pursue science, technology, engineering and
mathematics and to facilitate internship opportunities for the engineering college students of the
North-Eastern states in various institutes of national importance. Rs. 6.05 crore has been approved
for the programme in financial year 2014-15 and Rs. 5.19 crore has been utilized during the last
three years. 1743 school children and 378 engineering students have been benefitted from the
programme till date (District-wise data is not maintained).
The objective of Ishan Uday Scholarship Scheme is to promote higher education and to
encourage children belonging to economically weaker section of the North Eastern Region for
pursuing general degree, technical and professional degree courses including medical and paramedical
courses. Rate of scholarship is, Rs. 5400/- per month for general degree course and Rs.
7800/- per month for technical/medical/professional/paramedical courses. It is targeted to provide
10,000 scholarships annually under the scheme. Allocation of funds for Ishan Uday Scholarship
Scheme is demand driven, state-wise and year wise details of funds disbursed during the last three
years, alongwith number of beneficiaries are:
Year 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
No. of
( in crore)
No. of
( in crore)
No. of
( in crore)
Pradesh 348 2.02 335 1.24 340 1.62
Assam 11,234 59.35 12,443 40.80 15,108 125.44
Manipur 4,471 21.04 3,925 15.00 2,948 11.60
Meghalaya 143 1.00 154 0.57 175 1.33
Mizoram 149 0.76 151 0.40 276 2.66
Nagaland 148 0.90 160 0.72 160 1.27
Sikkim 315 1.72 300 0.85 318 1.98
Tripura 292 1.73 375 1.21 578 5.41
Total 17,100 88.51 17,843 60.80 19,903 151.32

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