Question : Innovative Ideas for Water Conservation

(a) whether the Government has invited any new and innovative ideas for water conservation measures in the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof, State-wise;
(c) whether the Government has taken note of an urgent need to take all possible steps for better utilisation of the available sources of water to ensure conservation of water; and
(d) if so, the response of the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d) Govt. of India has launched following initiatives and ideas for better utilization of available water resources to ensure conservation of water across the country:

i. Jal Shakti Abhiyan, a time bound campaign has been launched with a mission mode approach intended to improve water availability including ground water conditions in the water stressed blocks.
ii. Rainwater harvesting under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana – Watershed Development Component (PMKSY-WDC).
iii. Hon’ble Prime Minister has written a letter to all Sarpanchs regarding importance of water conservation and harvesting and exhorted them to adopt all appropriate measures to make water conservation a mass movement.
iv. National Water Policy (2012) advocates conservation, promotion and protection of water. The Policy has been forwarded to all States/UTs and concerned Ministries/Departments of Central Government for adoption.
v. An ‘Inter-Ministerial Committee’ under the chairmanship of Secretary, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Gaga Rejuvenation has been constituted on ‘Push on Water Conservation Related Activities for Optimum Utilization of Monsoon Rainfall’.

vi. A Model Bill has been circulated to all the States/UTs to enact suitable ground water legislation for regulation of its development and for rain water harvesting. 15 States/UTs have adopted and implemented the ground water legislation on the lines of Model Bill.
vii. Master Plan for Artificial Recharge to Ground Water to augment ground water resources provides for construction of about 1.11 crore artificial recharge/rainwater harvesting structures.
viii. Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) has issued directives to all States/UTs to take measures to promote/adopt artificial recharge to ground water /rain water harvesting. It grants permits for use of ground water with mandatory conditions for conservation, augmentation and efficient use of ground water.
ix. Training programs activities for capacity building and awareness creation of stakeholders on various aspects of water conservation, rainwater harvesting in augmenting the ground water resources, preventing water pollution and safe use of contaminated water.
x. A nationwide programme of “National Aquifer Mapping and Management (NAQUIM)” for mapping of aquifers, their characterization and development of aquifer management facilitate sustainable development of ground water resources.
xi. Model Building Bye Laws (MBBL), 2016 include provisions for Rainwater Harvesting and it has been shared with all the States. 32 States / UTs have adopted the provisions of rainwater harvesting of MBBL-2016.
xii. All Ministries/Departments have been requested to construct rainwater harvesting structures and to install water saving aerators on water taps in the buildings under their administrative control.
xiii. Workshops and water talks are organised for sensitization of stakeholders for water conservation.
xiv. NWM has been assisting States/UTs in formulation of State Specific Action Plan (SSAP) for water sector which broadly reflect the situation of water resources development and management in States/UTs.


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