(a) whether the Government is aware of the fact that huge Biotech Piracy is taking place in the North East which is the hot spot of biodiversity ;
(b) if so, whether the Government has directed the Sikkim Forest Department to seize 3 tones full of Herbarium collected by a Japanese team recently ;
(c) if so, the details thereof ;
(d) whether it is also a fact that one Mr. Vojtech Holubee of the CZEH Republic collected very rare plant seeds from North and West Sikkim Reserve Forest â a restricted area in July, 2003 and has now advertised abroad for sale of the seeds through Website too ;
(e) if so, the details thereof ; and
(f) the steps taken to ensure that the Biotechnical Tourists / Ordinary Tourists visiting Sikkim and the North East do not carry on Biotic Piracy in connivance with travel agents in operation ?