Question : CUT OFF MARKS

(a) whether those students who pass the 12th examination with entrepreneurship as a subject are evaluated by deducting ten marks from their total obtained marks during the admission to graduation in various educational institutions including University of Delhi;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(c) whether adequate laboratory facilities and eligible teachers are available in each schools and educational institution for teaching entrepreneurship as a subject, and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) if not, the steps taken by the Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The University Grants Commission(UGC) has informed that the cut-off marks for admission in educational institutions vary from institution to institution and course to course. The Central Universities are autonomous institutions governed under the provisions of their Act, Statutes and Ordinances framed there under. The statutory bodies of the Central Universities are competent to lay down general principles and minimum eligibility criteria for admission to various courses for each academic session.

The University of Delhi has informed that consequent upon the roll-back of Four Year Undergraduate Programme, the admission process for the academic session 2014-15 is based on the admission guidelines followed for the session 2012-13. As per the said guidelines, Entrepreneurship is treated as an academic subject. Accordingly, there is no provision of deduction of ten (10) marks for such academic subjects.

(c) & (d): While Entrepreneurship is offered as an elective subject in Classes XI and XII, it is covered under Management courses taught in colleges and centers of higher learning in the country. Project work in Classes XI and XII in the subject of Entrepreneurship does not require laboratories.

Ensuring availability of eligible teachers is a continuing endeavour by the UGC and the Higher Educational Institutions. The UGC (Minimum Qualification for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and other Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education) Regulations, 2010 has laid down minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers under management/business administration discipline in Universities and Colleges. The All India Council for Technical Education approves Management Institutions, conforming to its standards, on year to year basis, for imparting management education in the country.

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