(a): The Ministry is implementing scheme for setting up One Stop Centres (OSC) since 1st April 2015 to support women affected by violence. The scheme aims to facilitate access to an integrated range of services including medical aid, police assistance, legal aid/case management, psycho-social counselling, temporary support services to women affected by violence.
(b) to (e): One Stop Centres are being set up in a phased manner in all the districts of the country. So far, the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the Government of India has given approval to State Governments and Union Territory administrations for setting up 654 One Stop Centres. Also, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has directed on 11th December, 2018 that all the States/Union Territories should set up at least one OSC in every district within one year from the date of judgment.
OSCs have been set up in 234 districts till now. The details of One Stop Centres approved and operational along with number of women assisted so far are at Annexure-I. State-wise details of fund released for the year 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and current year are at Annexure-II.
Annexure -I
Annexure referred to in reply to Part (b) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.2058 for 21.12.2018 regarding ‘One Stop Centre for Women Protection’
State-wise details of One Stop Centres approved, operational and women assisted
Sl. No. State/ UTs Total approved OSCs Number of functional OSCs No. of women assisted
1. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 3 1 472
2. Andhra Pradesh 13 13 26,884
3. Arunachal Pradesh 21 2 308
4. Assam 33 5 720
5. Bihar 38 8 3,755
6. Chandigarh 1 1 326
7. Chhattisgarh 27 27 10,868
8. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1 1 40
9. Daman & Diu 2 1 25
10. Goa 2 1 977
11. Gujarat 23 10 894
12. Haryana 22 7 3,878
13. Himachal Pradesh 12 1 68
14. Jammu & Kashmir 22 2 63
15. Jharkhand 24 3 319
16. Karnataka 30 7 517
17. Kerala 14 4 393
18. Madhya Pradesh 51 50 3,217
19. Maharashtra 36 11 1,504
20. Manipur 16 1 10
21. Meghalaya 11 2 981
22. Mizoram 9 1 65
23. Nagaland 11 2 103
24. Odisha 30 4 857
25. Puducherry 1 1 51
26. Punjab 22 7 293
27. Rajasthan 16 16 4,964
28. Sikkim 4 1 115
29. Tamil Nadu 32 6 197
30. Telangana 31 9 7807
31. Tripura 8 1 30
32. Uttar Pradesh 75 24 1,18,833
33. Uttarakhand 13 4 993
34. Lakshadweep 0 0 0
35. NCT of Delhi 0 0 0
36. West Bengal 0 0 0
Total 654 234 1,90,527
Annexure –II
Annexure referred to in reply to Part (b) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Un-starred Question No.2058 for 21.12.2018 regarding ‘One Stop Centre for Women Protection’
State-wise details of funds released during the year 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 and current years
(Rs. in lakh)
No. Proposal Received States/UTs 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 13.19 -- 31.21 0.50
2 Andhra Pradesh 13.19 268.97 330.14 112.49
3 Arunachal Pradesh 13.19 28.41 53.20 15.57
4 Assam 38.84 75.65 -- 1.0
5 Bihar 13.19 198.90 -- --
6 Chandigarh 13.19 -- -- 9.31
7 Chhattisgarh 48.30 734.27 167.04 374.87
8 Dadra Nagar Haveli 43.37 -- 43.41 .50
9 Daman & Diu 45.88 -- 0.00 --
10 Goa 45.88 19.41 10.85 1.0
11 Gujarat 45.88 38.82 127.15 165.76
12 Haryana 36.41 116.48 38.30 467.29
13 Himachal Pradesh 37.68 -- 15.00 45.95
14 Jammu & Kashmir 45.88 95.65 87.52 --
15 Jharkhand 10.26 56.82 18.47 --
16 Karnataka 45.88 85.24 62.74 3.00
17 Kerala 45.08 113.65 11.80 2.00
18 Madhya Pradesh 45.88 773.04 131.27 1123.51
19 Maharashtra 45.88 213.55 437.69 20.32
20 Manipur 12.89 -- -- --
21 Meghalaya 13.19 28.41 7.75 30.50
22 Mizoram 37.68 -- 61.41 15.63
23 Nagaland 45.88 55.41 80.41 439.87
24 Odisha 10.28 15.00 120.33 --
25 Puducherry 37.00 -- 19.41 .50
26 Punjab 43.82 97.07 335.87 276.21
27 Rajasthan 12.12 346.24 28.96 122.02
28 Sikkim 45.88 -- 30.17 .50
29 Tamil Nadu 45.88 -- 38.83 129.59
30 Telangana 45.88 155.31 301.72 31.82
31 Tripura 45.88 -- -- 13.78
32 Uttar Pradesh 45.88 454.63 266.22 1896.20
33 Uttarakhand 13.19 58.24 138.86 35.89
Total 1102.50 4029.17 2995.73 5335.61
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