Question : Damage by Ockhi

(a) the quantum of damage caused by the Ockhi cyclone in the coastal belt of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Lakshadweep;

(b) the number of houses destroyed/ damaged and fishing equipments either lost or totally damaged;

(c) the steps taken by the Government to help the victims of Ockhi;

(d) whether the Central Team has submitted its report after assessment to the Government; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and the follow up actions taken thereon?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c): As per the information received from the State Governments and UT of Lakshadweep, the details of reported losses are given as under:-

(As on 27.02.2018)
State/ UT Human live lost House/ huts Boats/ nets lost
Kerala 60 * 3600 384/ 446
Tamil Nadu 42 @ 7400 4207/ 4207
Lakshadweep Nil 1022 37

* In addition, 102 missing persons have been construed as dead by State Government.
@ In addition, 161 missing persons have been construed as dead by State Government.

L.S.US.Q.NO.4065 FOR 20.03.2018

No damage has been reported from Karnataka State due to the Ockhi cyclone.

In order to help the affected people of the State Governments of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, after the cyclone ‘Ockhi’ the Government of India has released assistance of Rs. 280.50 crore to Tamil Nadu and Rs. 76.50 crore to Kerala from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) on 8th December 2017 and 11th December 2017 respectively, for immediate relief measures. Further, the Government of India has released, on account basis, an amount of Rs. 133 crore each from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) to Government of Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Similarly, an amount of Rs. 15 crore was sanctioned on account basis to UT of Lakshadweep on 4th January 2018 for relief measures to the victims of Ockhi cyclone.

Further, the Government of India also extended full logistics support including deployment of Indian Navy ships, Coast Guard ships, IAF helicopters & aero planes, Coast Guard helicopters, Navy & Coast Guard personnel and Teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) along with necessary rescue equipments for immediate rescue, search and relief measures to the victims of Ockhi cyclone.

(d) & (e): Based on the report of Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT), the High Level Committee (HLC), in its meeting held on 26.02.2018 approved the assistance to Tamil Nadu and Kerala:-

L.S.US.Q.NO.4065 FOR 20.03.2018

For Tamil Nadu:-
• Rs. 133.05 crore from NDRF, subject to adjustment of 50% of balance available in the SDRF account for the instant calamity.

For Kerala:-
• Rs. 169.63 crore from NDRF, subject to adjustment of 50% of balance available in the SDRF account for the instant calamity
• Air bills for airdropping of essential supplies and rescue, as per actual, based on the bills raised by the IAF.


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