(a) whether the Government proposes to set up gas based and other fertilizer plants in the Telangana State;

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;

(c) the steps proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard; and

(d) the requirement and availability of various fertilizers in Telangana State, fertilizer-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) : Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs (CCEA) has been approved setting up of gas-based fertilizer plant at Ramamgundam Unit of the Fertilizer Corporation of India Ltd. (FCIL) in Telangana State by a consortium of Public Sector Units (PSUs) namely, National Fertilizer Ltd. (NFL), Engineers India Ltd. (EIL) & FCIL. Department of Fertilizers, Government of India, is closely following up the progress made by the PSUs in the establishment of the gas-based Urea fertilizer plant. Following is the progress achieved till date:
(i) Draft Joint Venture Agreement is under finalization amongst EIL, NFL & FCIL to form a Joint Venture Company:
(ii) EIL & NFL short-listed two parties each for Ammonia and Urea Technologies. Selection of the technologies for Ammonia-Urea manufacture is at the final stages:
(iii) Obtained Terms of References (ToR) from MoEF for the Project.

(d) :

Month wise Availability position in Andhra Pradesh during Kharif 2014 (April`14 to May`14)
State FG Month Requirement Opening Monthly Availability Sales Stock Plan Andhra Urea April 150000.00 24596.00 269284.00 141814.35 90935.25 Pradesh Urea MAY 150000.00 50879.10 292788.05 219764.60 141371.70
Andhra DAP April 50000.00 15512.70 42600.00 34546.70 6684.10 Pradesh DAP MAY 75000,00 27862.60 78900.00 40147.80 13902.50
Andhra MOP April 30000.00 18617.44 17000.00 18844.44 942.00 Pradesh MOP MAY 20000.00 17902.44 29300.00 22486.24 3214,85
Andhra NPK April 90000.00 101397.69 129672.15 144640.59 16717.501 Pradesh NPK MAY 154000.00 127923.09 157900.00 205513.44 64440.93
Month wise Availability position in Telangana during Kharif 2014
State FG Month Requirement Opening Stock Monthly Plan Availability -Sales Telan- Urea JUNE 179900.00 37822.10 138480.00 199668.90 169041.35 gana July 196800.00 31677.55 195000.00 129742.20 81969.25 August 182200.00 139600.00 Telan- DAP JUNE 44200.00 13690.15 48000.00 37885.10 25793.45 gana July 43800.00 12095.65 53600,00 31863.65 14315.80 August 29300.00 32400.00 Telan- MOP JUNE 10000.00 5443.75 18000.00 11140.15 3725.80 gana July 10500.00 7414.35 12200.00 19590.95 4328.75 August 19250.00 20S00.00 Telan- NPK JUNE 73250.00 52787.39 77850.00 136380.20 86543.16 gana July 84200.00 50023.44 117900.00 139344.19 62709.95 August 86000.00 79200.00 # Telangana state is created from june`14 onwards.

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