(a) the number of posts of Vigilance Commissions that are still vacant and for how long;
(b) the reasons therefor; and
(c) the action Government proposes to take in this regard?
(a) the number of posts of Vigilance Commissions that are still vacant and for how long;
(b) the reasons therefor; and
(c) the action Government proposes to take in this regard?
Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister
of State in the Prime Ministerâs Office. (SHRI V. NARAYANASAMY)
(a): As on date, there are 296 sanctioned posts in the Central Vigilance Commission. Of these,
43 posts are vacant. These include 9 Group âAâ, 15 Group âBâ and 19 Group âCâ posts. The occurrence
of these vacancies range from the period 2010 to 2012.
(b): The reasons for posts remaining vacant include non-availability/non-joining of officers under
the Central Staffing Scheme, lack of response to the posts to be filled up on deputation and non-
joining of candidates nominated by the Staff Selection Commission etc.
(c): The posts in the Central Vigilance Commission are filled either under the Central Staffing
Scheme or under the Recruitment Rules prescribed for the posts. The reasons cited above are normal
exigencies and effort on continuous basis is made to fill up these vacancies.