Question : V.R.S. DUES ON N.T.C.

(a) the total number of employees who sought voluntary retirement scheme in NTC, unit-wise;

(b) whether the National Textile Corporation has been facing problems in raising required funds to settle its VRS dues;

(c) if so, the details thereof;

(d) the details of the estimated amount needed for the purpose of VRS and amount raised by NTC till date; and

(e) the measures to be taken for raising remaining amount to complete the scheme?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Since 1.1.2002 7,682 employees have been relieved under VRS (Unit-wise list at Annexure I). Further, VRS applications received from 12,530 employees in 18 unviable mills are under process (Unit wise statement at Annexure II).

(b)to(e) An amount of Rs.1600 crores (approx.) will be needed for giving VRS to surplus workers in NTC. As per Draft Rehabilitation Schemes, this amount is to be raised from sale of surplus lands/assets. However, to start the process, Government permitted NTC to issue Bonds for Rs.500 crores on Govt. Guarantee. NTC has been able to raise Rs.333 crores (approx.) through NTC Bonds till date. Balance amount would be raised through loan/sale of assets for which process has already begun.


Annexure I

List of mills where VRS applications were accepted and payment made since 1.1.2002

Mill	Location	No.of	employees	taken VRS	Date of	closure	Amount	paid (In Rs. lakhs)
1 Adoni cotton mills Adoni, AP 109 06-May 326 2 Bangasri textile mills 24 Paraganas. WB 64 30-Apr 235.6 3 Bengal fine-2, Nadia, WB 45 30-Apr 160.27 4 Central cotton, WB 216 30-Apr 791.46 5 Edward mills Beawar, Rajasthan 149 06-May 393.28 6 Gaya cotton, Bihar Gaya, Bihar 147 30-Apr 454.26 7 Jyoti weaving mills Calcutta 92 30-Apr 351.33 8 Kalyanmal mills Indore MP 1212 31-May 2992.51 9 Kohinoor no.2 Mumbai (MN) 83 08-May 395.23 10 Kohinoor no.3 Mumbai (MN) 16 01-May 66.56 11 M.S.K. mills Gulbarga, Karnataka 740 17-Apr 2231.39 12 Manindra B.T. mills Murshidabad, WB 101 30-Apr 366.41 13 Natraj Spg. Mills Nirmal, AP 59 30-Apr 194.4 14 Netha Spg & Wvg Secunderabad, AP 127 30-Apr 237.6 15 Petlad text. Mills Ahmedabad, Guj 386 19-Apr 1107.39 16 Rajkot textile, Rajkot, Guj 306 19-Apr 944.87 17 Shree Mahalakshmi, 24 Paraganas, WB 144 30-Apr 556.91 18 Swadeshi textile Indore MP 591 31-May 1506.56 19 New Manekchowk, Ahmedabad, Guj 809 31-July 2427 20 Viramgam text. Mills Viramgam, Guj 762 31-July 2286 Total 6158 18025
B. Mills of NTC (TNP) and NTC (HC)- not referred to BIFR
21 Krishnaveni Coimbatore TN 223 31- May 57922 22 Om Parashkti Coimbatore TN 297 31- May 856 23 Kaleeswarar A Coimbatore TN 215 565 24 Somasundaram Coimbatore TN 617 1669 25 Swadeshi mills Pondicherry 172 465 Total 1524 4134 Grand Total 7,682 22159

Annexure II
Mills where VRS applications are under process/consideration
Mill NTC VRS applications received
1 Ajam Jahi mills APKKM 453 2 Mysore spg & wvg mills APKKM 141 3 Ahmedabad Jupiter, Guj 1044 4 Mahalaxmi text. Mills Guj 736 5 Rajnagar mill no.2 Guj 663 6 Indu no.4 MN 0 7 Hira mills MP 875 8 Indore Malwa mills MP 1980 9 Bengal Nagpur cotton mills MP 1201 10 Raebareli textile mills UP 150 11 Shri Vikram Mills UP 388 12 Laxmirattan mills UP 1127 13 Muir mills. UP 1071 14 Atherton mills UP 770 15 Lord Krishna mills UP 492 16 SWADESHI mills, Kanpur UP 738 17 New Victoria mills UP 657 18 Bijli cotton mills UP 44
Total 12,530