(a) whether the Government provides support for capital expenditure besides continuing support for sponsoring free beds for patients with spinal injuries

(b) if so, the details of financial assistance provided to spinal injury centres alongwith all kinds of assistance and facilities provided/available to such patients in such centres and number of persons benefited therefrom, centre-wise;

(c) whether treatment facility for spinal injury is being provided in the Medical Colleges;

(d) if so, the details thereof;

(e) whether the Government of Italy has given assistance to Indian Spinal Injury Centre, New Delhi;

(f) if so, the details thereof;

(g) the details of Spinal Injury Centres and Regional Rehabilitaiton Centres (RRCs) presently functioning in the country

(h) whether the Government proposes to set up more Spinal Injury Centres or (RRCs) for persons with spinal injuries; and

(i) if so, the locations thereof, State wise and the time by which these centres are likely to start functioning?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (g) To ensure availability of super speciality Centre for treating spinal injuries in the country, it was decided to set up an India Spinal Injuries Centre (ISIC) at New Delhi as a joint venture of Government of India and Government of Itlay. ISIC was provided a grant of Rs. 2.50 crores for construction in two instalments by Government of India while machinery and equipment for medical care, visit of experts and training of Indian Personnel etc was provided by Government of Italy. Centre started functioning from 1997. Government of India provides reimbursement for 25 free beds while cost of five free beds is borne by ISIC. 1037 patients have been treated by ISIC (upto 31st March 2005).

Apart from ISIC at New Delhi four Regional Centres for providing treatment to patients with spinal injuries have been set up (i) Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh (ii) Cuttack in Orissa (iii) Mohali in Punjab and (iv) Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh.

Except Bareilly, the Regional Centres are functioning from temporary buildings provided by the State Governments. The construction work for new buildings on the land provided free of cost by the respective State Governments is going on. The RRC Bareilly has since started functioning from their new building. These four Centres have benefited 91926 patients (upto February 2005). Government of India has provided financial assistance of Rs. 11.60 crores to these four RRCs upto 31-3-2005.

(h) No Sir.

(i) Does not arise.