Question : Planning for Financial Expenditure under Tribal Sub-scheme

(a) whether any planning for financial expenditure has been made for Tribal Sub Scheme, State/area-wise; and
(b) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) &(b)Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP) now called as Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) is a dedicated source of fund for tribal development. STC is a multi-pronged strategy which includes support for education, health, sanitation, water supply, livelihood etc. Major part of infrastructure development in tribal dominated areas and provision of basic amenities to tribal people in the country is carried out through various schemes / programmes of concerned Central Ministries/Departments and the State Governments concerned, while the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) provides additive to these initiatives by way of plugging gaps. NITI Aayog from time to time issues guidelines for earmarking of funds by Central Ministries/Departments under STC. Besides, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, 40 Central Ministries / Departments have been mandated to earmark STC funds in the range of 4.3 to 17.5 percent of their total Scheme allocation every year for tribal development. The Central Ministries/Departments earmark STC funds under specific schemes and plans for the expenditure under the schemes for welfare of STs. MoTA monitors allocation, expenditure, etc. of STC funds through STC-MIS portal and meetings with nodal officers of the Ministries/Departments. Details of funds allocated and spent by different Central Ministries / Departments under their schemes during 2019-20 to 2020-21 is at Annexure I.
For most of the schemes of Ministry of Tribal Affairs like Special Central Assistance to Tribal Sub-Scheme (SCA to TSS), Grants under Article 275(1) of the Constitution, Development of Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs)etc. funds are released to States/UTs based on the proposals received and sanctioned by Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) of the Ministry. Under the scheme Grant-in-Aid to Voluntary Organizations working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes, grants are provided to the eligible Non Governmental Organizations / Autonomous Societies for the categories of projects duly recommended by the multi-disciplinary State Level Committee of the concerned State Government / UT Administration in accordance with the procedure/ guidelines as laid down by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs from time to time.
Utilization certificates and progress reports are insisted upon as a pre-requisite for further release of funds as per the norms of GFR. Meetings/ Conferences are convened at the Central level with State officials for ensuring timely submission of proposals, speeding up of implementation of the schemes/ programmes and reviewing the physical and financial progress.
Further, State Governments are also supposed to earmark Schedule Tribe component funds in proportion to ST population (Census, 2011) in the State with respect to total State Plan. Details of funds allocated and spent by State Government/UT under their Schemes under STC for welfare and development of STs during 2019-20 to 2020-21 is at Annexure II.

Annexure I
Statement referred to in reply to part (a) & (b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2278 for 08.03.2021 by DR. KRISHNA PAL SINGH YADAV regarding “PLANNING FOR FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE UNDER TRIBAL SUB – SCHEME”
Ministries / Department wise allocation & expenditure for FY- 2019-20
SNO. Ministry / Departments Earmarking Percentage Prescribed by NITI Aayog FY 2019-20
(1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020)
Budget Estimates BE (STC) Revised Estimates RE (STC) STC Expenditure
(Amount in Crores)
1 Department of Agricultural Research and Education 4.30 114.81 105.91 38.27
2 Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers'' Welfare 8.60 11168.01 8717.57 8392.05
3 Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying 8.60 235.73 221.80 194.41
4 Department of Commerce 4.30 25.01 29.01 25.34
5 Department of Consumer Affairs 4.30 2.66 1.72 1.00
6 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 8.60 88.22 78.92 210.15
7 Department of Fisheries 8.60 53.83 49.44 42.65
8 Department of Food and Public Distribution 4.30 2.00 0.50 --
9 Department of Health and Family Welfare 8.60 4042.09 4042.09 3762.16
10 Department of Higher Education 8.60 1605.00 1605.00 1418.59
11 Department of Land Resources 10.00 221.60 178.30 161.54
12 Department of Rural Development 17.50 5984.12 5882.27 5926.84
13 Department of School Education and Literacy 10.70 5831.51 5831.61 5657.69
14 Department of Science and Technology 4.30 115.78 111.84 100.55
15 Department of Telecommunications 4.30 800.57 140.75 62.39
16 Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation 8.60 272.20 237.81 228.48
17 Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation 10.00 1999.47 1833.89 1802.70
18 Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) 4.30 35.00 26.00 26.00
19 Ministry of Coal 8.60 94.35 95.16 98.75
20 Ministry of Culture 4.30 35.10 22.51 22.05
21 Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region 8.60 810.50 750.87 754.41
22 Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 6.70 251.32 215.24 175.51
23 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change 8.60 102.50 95.35 90.94
24 Ministry of Food Processing Industries 4.30 47.34 38.25 0.35
25 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs 4.30 324.71 324.71 325.66
26 Ministry of Labour and Employment 8.60 929.06 929.06 533.98
27 Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 8.60 560.39 618.96 773.53
28 Ministry of Mines 4.30 25.55 25.55 25.57
29 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 8.60 441.00 322.00 279.92
30 Ministry of Panchayati Raj 8.60 62.82 61.15 61.15
31 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas 4.30 1570.21 1619.80 323.61
32 Ministry of Power 8.60 803.79 803.78 706.12
33 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 4.30 2610.00 2610.00 226.13
34 Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 8.60 214.59 172.71 21.25
35 Ministry of Textiles 8.60 216.99 184.99 158.15
36 Ministry of Tourism 4.30 90.00 55.00 55.00
37 Ministry of Tribal Affairs 100.00 6847.89 7293.66 7291.50
38 Ministry of Women and Child Development 8.60 2486.64 2232.83 1787.29
39 Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports 8.60 161.17 182.82 181.75
40 Department of Fertilizers # 4.30 -- -- --
41 Department of Pharmaceuticals # 4.30 -- -- --
Note: - # Ministries / Department which have not made separate allocation of STs
Data as per STC MIS portal

Ministries / Department wise allocation & expenditure for FY- 2020-21
SNO. Ministry / Departments Earmarking Percentage Prescribed by NITI Aayog FY 2020-21
(1 April 2020 to 28 Feb 2021)
Budget Estimates BE (STC) Revised Estimates RE (STC) STC Expenditure*
(Amount in Crores)
1 Department of Agricultural Research and Education 4.30 118.65 106.69 92.26
2 Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers'' Welfare 8.60 11507.65 9993.11 7968.49
3 Department of Animal Husbandry & Dairying 8.60 270.89 240.76 197.80
4 Department of Commerce 4.30 25.00 15.45 15.45
5 Department of Consumer Affairs 4.30 2.58 1.83 1.28
6 Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 8.60 68.56 47.57 176.60
7 Department of Fisheries 8.60 53.00 63.00 32.96
8 Department of Food and Public Distribution 4.30 -- 5421.31 --
9 Department of Health and Family Welfare 8.60 4300.00 3997.14 3341.42
10 Department of Higher Education 8.60 1640.00 1304.78 1162.57
11 Department of Land Resources 10.00 223.87 123.87 129.95
12 Department of Rural Development 17.50 5026.00 5823.02 4670.34
13 Department of School Education and Literacy 10.70 5844.00 5709.45 4234.69
14 Department of Science and Technology 4.30 137.69 97.00 57.45
15 Department of Telecommunications 4.30 357.89 322.75 304.54
16 Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation 8.60 279.63 186.41 114.50
17 Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation 10.00 2149.41 1700.00 1484.05
18 Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH) 4.30 37.70 31.70 24.98
19 Ministry of Coal 8.60 70.52 73.67 72.79
20 Ministry of Culture 4.30 24.86 16.89 5.88
21 Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region 8.60 822.92 563.61 561.66
22 Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology 6.70 265.19 204.00 78.94
23 Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change 8.60 127.00 99.00 92.57
24 Ministry of Food Processing Industries 4.30 46.50 49.45 4.22
25 Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs 4.30 164.03 369.43 153.53
26 Ministry of Labour and Employment 8.60 977.95 1126.13 731.86
27 Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 8.60 634.13 382.34 458.85
28 Ministry of Mines 4.30 23.23 23.23 22.14
29 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 8.60 486.00 288.00 145.72
30 Ministry of Panchayati Raj 8.60 74.62 42.02 55.43
31 Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas 4.30 1840.50 1652.27 --
32 Ministry of Power 8.60 857.00 516.00 342.62
33 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 4.30 2920.00 3430.00 178.96
34 Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 8.60 209.65 189.55 22.20
35 Ministry of Textiles 8.60 222.55 126.25 116.69
36 Ministry of Tourism 4.30 102.00 49.00 43.59
37 Ministry of Tribal Affairs 100.00 7355.76 5472.50 4941.07
38 Ministry of Women and Child Development 8.60 2555.95 1785.23 755.52
39 Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports 8.60 201.35 117.92 107.10
40 Department of Fertilizers # 4.30 -- -- --
41 Department of Pharmaceuticals # 4.30 -- 18.49 12.86
Note: -* Provisional figures
# Ministries / Department which have not made separate allocation of STs
Data as per STC MIS portal

Annexure II
Statement referred to in reply to part (a) & (b) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 2278 for 08.03.2021 by DR. KRISHNA PAL SINGH YADAV regarding “PLANNING FOR FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE UNDER TRIBAL SUB – SCHEME”
State/UT wise allocation & expenditure for FY- 2019-20
(Rs. in Cr.)
S.No. State/U.T % ST Population (2011) FY 2019-20
Total State Plan Outlay TSP Aln. % TSP Aln. TSP Exp. % Exp
1 Andhra Pradesh 5.3 92696.81 4988.53 5.38 3281.46 65.78
2 Andaman & Nicobar 0.0 5029.16 130.03 2.59 127.65 98.17
3 Arunachal Pradesh 68.8 86.02 86.02 100.00 49.45 57.49
4 Assam 12.4 25186.00 2056.32 8.16 1965.05 95.56
5 Bihar 1.3 102977.40 1194.28 1.16 1126.97 94.36
6 Chhattisgarh 30.6 76546.17 22012.66 28.76 16422.09 74.60
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 0.2 12.41 12.41 100.00 12.41 100.00
8 Goa 10.2 19548.69 404.42 2.07 227.86 56.34
9 Gujarat 14.8 106308.00 14567.00 13.70 12809.00 87.93
10 Himachal Pradesh 5.7 7100.00 639.00 9.00 639.00 100.00
11 Jharkhand 26.2 49142.62 20886.15 42.50 16312.27 78.10
12 Karnataka 7.0 234153.00 8842.38 3.78 NR NA
13 Kerala 1.5 30610.00 866.26 2.83 504.36 58.22
14 Lakshadweep 94.8 5.47 5.47 100.00 5.47 100.00
15 Madhya Pradesh 21.1 139774.64 33466.66 23.94 26980.30 80.62
16 Maharashtra 9.4 99000.00 8531.00 8.62 6833.55 80.10
17 Meghalaya 86.1 16199.00 16199.00 100.00 15785.74 97.45
18 Odisha 22.8 46380.13 7374.29 15.90 6022.73 81.67
19 Rajasthan 13.5 111080.15 14981.24 13.49 13819.01 92.24
20 Sikkim 33.8 637.34 2.63 0.41 1.51 57.41
21 Tamil Nadu 1.1 56849.96 1277.84 2.25 1015.84 79.50
22 Telangana 9.3 75263.24 7184.87 9.55 6357.84 88.49
23 Tripura 31.8 6205.25 2772.42 44.68 1794.55 64.73
24 Uttar Pradesh 0.6 526809.21 1027.01 0.19 823.37 80.17
25 Uttarakhand 2.9 51145.29 516.54 1.01 302.93 58.65
26 West Bengal 5.8 89328.56 6287.53 7.04 NR NA
Total 8.6 1968074.52 176311.96 8.96 133220.42 75.56

State/UT wise allocation & expenditure for FY- 2020-21 (as on 02.03.2021)
(Rs. in Crore)
S.No. State/U.T % ST Population (2011) FY 2020-21
Total State Plan Outlay TSP Aln. % TSP Aln. TSP Exp. % Exp
1 Andhra Pradesh 5.3 104334.90 5177.54 4.96 3847.63 74.31
2 Andaman & Nicobar 0.0 5234.26 260.09 4.97 99.02 38.07
3 Arunachal Pradesh 68.8 76.73 76.73 100.00 76.73 100.00
4 Assam 12.4 28230.00 1609.64 5.70 NR NA
5 Bihar 1.3 105262.34 1049.18 1.00 18.57 1.77
6 Chhattisgarh 30.6 95438.85 20919.60 21.92 4627.71 22.12
7 Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 0.2 17.45 17.45 100.00 0.71 4.05
8 Goa 10.2 21056.35 413.95 1.97 22.78 5.50
9 Gujarat 14.8 110529.00 14106.00 12.76 3375.00 23.93
10 Himachal Pradesh 5.7 7900.00 711.00 9.00 NR NA
11 Jharkhand 26.2 48924.94 20201.43 41.29 1119.87 5.54
12 Karnataka 7.0 NR NR NA NR NA
13 Kerala 1.5 27610.00 781.36 2.83 178.22 22.81
14 Lakshadweep 94.8 6.93 6.93 100.00 6.93 100.00
15 Madhya Pradesh 21.1 99029.67 24261.29 24.50 7467.44 30.78
16 Maharashtra 9.4 108000.00 8853.00 8.20 2144.91 24.23
17 Meghalaya 86.1 17375.00 17375.00 100.00 16912.64 97.34
18 Odisha 22.8 46638.10 6808.23 14.60 2156.55 31.68
19 Rajasthan 13.5 110200.82 16017.65 14.53 8355.99 52.17
20 Sikkim 33.8 818.43 1.00 0.12 0.00 0.00
21 Tamil Nadu 1.1 64255.96 1299.47 2.02 266.17 20.48
22 Telangana 9.3 104612.62 9771.28 9.34 3583.12 36.67
23 Tripura 31.8 6529.34 2573.98 39.42 777.22 30.20
24 Uttar Pradesh 0.6 512860.72 1195.97 0.23 507.67 42.45
25 Uttarakhand 2.9 53526.97 498.64 0.93 36.34 7.29
26 West Bengal 5.8 NR NR NA NR NA
Total 8.6 1678469.38 153986.41 9.17 55581.21 36.09


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