Question : Coverage Under PMFBY

(a) whether it is a fact that various agricultural crop insurance schemes are not reaching to the majority of the farmers in the country and only a total of three crore farmers have been brought under the said scheme so far and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;

(b) whether there is any target fixed by the Government to cover farmers under the said schemes, if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Government has found any discrepancy in the area insured compared to the actual farm area under the new Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), if so, the details thereof;

(d) whether it is a fact that only 30% of the sown area under rabi crop has been covered under the PMFBY so far, if so, the details thereof along with the sown area of crops likely to be benefited by the said scheme, State-wise;

(e) whether the Government is considering to bring 40% of the total sowing area under the said scheme during the current year 2017-2018, if so, the facts thereof along with the time limit fixed by the Government to cover the entire cultivable land under the said scheme; and

(f) the various steps taken by the Government to spread the awareness among the farmers about the crop insurance scheme and make these schemes more fruitful for them?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) to (e): The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and Restructured Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (RWBCIS) have been launched in April, 2016



with the target to provide crop insurance coverage to 30%, 40% and 50% of total cropped area in the country during 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 respectively. The schemes are voluntary for States and it is for the State Governments to notify/select the area and crops. Besides the schemes are optional for non-loanee farmers. 23 States implemented PMFBY/RWBCIS during Kharif 2016 season and 24 States and 3 Union Territories implemented PMFBY/RWBCIS during Rabi 2016-17. Overall coverage of both the schemes is tentatively 401 lakh farmers and 392 lakh ha. area in Kharif 2016 and 163.49 lakh farmers and 119.25 lakh ha. area during Rabi 2016-17 season. State-wise details of area covered under PMFBY/RWBCIS during Kharif and Rabi 2016-17 are annexed.

During Kharif 2016, area discrepancy in area sown and area insured figures has been reported in few districts. Matter is being settled in consultation with stakeholders and as per provisions of the scheme.

(f): To enhance the awareness of Crop Insurance Schemes specially among farmers, the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare in the Central Government, concerned departments of State Governments viz. Departments of Agriculture/ Cooperation,/Horticulture/Extension and all empanelled insurance companies have been actively conducting various publicity, awareness and literacy programmes to educate the farmers about the benefits of crop insurance schemes. The salient activities under awareness campaign involve the publicity of features and benefits of the scheme through advertisements in leading National/local News Papers, telecast through audio-visual media, distribution of pamphlets in local languages, participation in agriculture fairs / mela/goshti, organization of workshops / trainings and SMS through Kisan Portal etc. One day seminar/kisan fairs have also been organized at various Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) throughout the country by this Department. Additionally the Rural Financial institutions are encouraged to undertake publicity to increase both awareness and farmers’ coverage including non-loanee. Further, recently with the twin objective of providing a documentary proof to insured farmers along with serving the purpose of popularizing the scheme among the farmers the Government has decided to provide acknowledgement receipt and folio which will also contain important scheme information. The Government has also recently entered into an agreement with Common Service Centre (CSC) an e-Governance service under Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeITY), for increasing crop insurance outreach to non-loanee farmers.

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