Question : Setting up of New Tourism Colleges

(a) whether the Government is planning to set up new Tourism college/Institute in North East Region of the country;
(b) if so, the details thereof;
(c) whether the Government has advised the administrations of the State Governments/UTs to set up Hospitality Development and Promotion Board in their areas;
(d) if so, the State/UT-wise details thereof and the progress achieved in this regard so far; and
(e) whether the Government allocates/proposes to allocate funds to the State Governments for the said purpose and if so, the details thereof, State-wise?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) has so far sanctioned 12 Institutes of Hospitality Management in the North Eastern States, list of these Institutes are at Annexure. Out of these Central Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati, Central Institute of Hotel Management, Shillong, State Institute of Hotel Management, Gangtok and Food Craft Institute, Nawgaon are operational.

(c) & (d): The State Government/Union Territory Administrations have been advised by the MoT to set up Hospitality Development Boards if the same do not exist in their respective States/Union Territories. The State Government of Maharashtra has reportedly setup Hospitality Development and Promotion Board.

(e): Ministry of Tourism does not provide any grant for setting up of Hospitality Development and Promotion Board in States/UTs.

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