Question : Chinese Silk Yarn in Indian Market

(a) whether the availability of Chinese Silk Yarn in abundance in the Indian market has made it difficult to the domestic silk cocoon growers to cover up the production cost;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to protect the interests of domestic silk cocoon growers as also to ensure remunerative prices to them for their products?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): No, Madam. Import of raw silk from China is declining over the last few years, due to various efforts taken by the Government of India and State Governments on Research & Development, extension support, financial assistance etc. The raw silk production level in the country has improved significantly and the imports of raw silk from China have gone down drastically, which can be seen from the following table:-

Year Raw Silk Production in India (MT) Raw Silk Imports from China (MT)
2011-12 23,060 5,683
2012-13 23,679 4,879
2013-14 26,480 3,189
2014-15 28,708 3,315
2015-16 21,222* 2,310*
*(up to December-2015)

(c): The Government has been taking several measures to bring down the silk imports by enhancing the production of import substitute, superior quality bivoltine silk such as, development of Bivoltine hybrids and using them for production of better quality Bivoltine silk in Southern region throughout the year, Organizing 176 clusters under Cluster Promotion Programme (CPP) to augment the production of bivoltine silk production in the country in XII Plan, setting up of Automatic Reeling Units in the country for production of 3A-4A grade raw silk from bivoltine hybrid cocoons, establishment of Raw Material Banks (RMB) for Tasar and Muga cocoons to operate floor price to ensure remunerative price to primary cocoon producers, etc.
In addition, the State Governments in major silk producing States like Karnataka established institutions like Karnataka Silk Marketing Board (KSMB) in Karnataka, SERIFED in Andhra Pradesh and TANSILK in Tamil Nadu to ensure stabilization of raw silk prices through market interventions for getting fair prices by the farmers for mulberry cocoons.


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