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(a) & (b): No, Madam. No such proposal is with Ministry.
(c): The State-wise details of the organic and biofertilizers produced is given at Annexure-I, IIA, IIB & IIC.
(d): The Government is recommending soil test based balanced and integrated nutrient management through conjunctive use of both inorganic and organic sources including organic manures and biofertilizers to provide plant nutrients and reduce the excessive use of chemical fertilizers. In addition, split application and placement of fertilizers, use of slow releasing N-fertilizers, nitrification inhibitors, growing leguminous crops and use of Resource Conservation Technologies (RCTs) are also advocated. In order to promote greater use of organic and biofertilizers, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Pusa has developed improved and efficient strains of biofertilizers specific to different crops and soil types under Network project on Soil Biodiversity-Biofertilizers. Liquid Biofertilizers technology with higher shelf-life has also been developed. Besides, the Council has developed technology to prepare various types of organic manures such as phosphocompost, vermicompost, bio-enriched compost, municipal solid waste compost, etc. from various organic wastes.
The Government is also monitoring pesticides residues in various agricultural commodities etc. under the central scheme “Monitoring of Pesticides Residues at National Level” (MPRNL). The annual report MPRNL is being shared with all State Governments in order to sensitize about the areas of likely pesticide over use.
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