Question : Threats of Terrorist Attacks

(a) whether there are any input to suggest threat of terrorist attacks on Schools and Courts and other establishments in the country;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the preparedness to deal with such attacks;

(c) whether the sea routes of the country are still prone to infiltration by
terrorists; and

(d) if so, the measures taken by the Government to thwart the recurrence of attacks like 26/11?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (d): Intelligence inputs relating to the threat of terrorist attacks on different establishments in the country, including on Schools and Courts, have been received from time to time.

There is close and effective coordination between intelligence and the security agencies at the Centre and the State levels. The Multi Agency Centre (MAC) has been strengthened and re-organized to enable it to function on 24x7 basis for real time collation and sharing of intelligence with other intelligence agencies and States, which ensures seamless flow of information between the State and the Central agencies.



L.S.US.Q.NO.75 FOR 21.07.2015

To strengthen the coastal security, the Government has been implementing Coastal Security Scheme in phases with a view to strengthening the infrastructure of the State Marine Police for patrolling and surveillance of coastal areas, particularly in the shallow areas close to the coast. The first phase has already been completed on 31.3.2011 and the second phase is presently under implementation with effect from 1.4.2011. Under the scheme, coastal States/UTs are provided with coastal/marine Police Stations, Marine Operation Centres, check posts, out posts, barracks, interceptor boats, rigid inflatable boats, larger vessels and vehicles. Biometric cards have been issued to the residents of coastal villages of 13 coastal States/UTs. The Government has taken necessary steps for fitment of tracking devices in small fishing boats. Necessary steps have also been initiated for the creation of the chain of Radar Sensors and Automatic Identification System (AIS) receivers along the Indian coast. All these measures are being implemented in the light of lessons learnt from the 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack.


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