(a) and (b) The total quantity of plastic waste, including packaging waste, generated in the country is estimated to be around 25,940 T/day and around 15,384 Ton/day, which is 60% of the total, is collected and recycled. Major (94%) portion of the plastic are thermoplastics which are recyclable. The rest 06% belong to the other type of plastics, including thermoset-plastics, which too have some alternative uses, provided such plastic waste are collected and channelized to recyclers/processing plants for proper utilization. The uncollected and littered plastic is a challenge to environment. Littering and burning of plastic has an adverse environmental impact on environment and human health.Further, the Ministry from 1stMarch 2019 has prohibited the importof solid plastic waste into the country including in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and by Export Oriented Units.
(c) and (d) Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules 2016 prescribe criteria for plastic packaging. According to the Rules, plastic sheet or likeand cover made of plastic sheet used for packaging, wrapping the commodity shall not be less than fifty microns in thickness. Further, manufacture and use of multi-layered plastic (MLP) which is non-recyclable or non-energy recoverable or with no alternate has to be phased out.The Rules also prohibit use of carry bags made of recycled plastic or products made of recycled plastic for storing, carrying, dispensing or packaging ready to eat or drink food stuff. Further, sachets using plastic material are prohibited for storing, packing or selling gutkha, tobacco and pan masala.
(e) The Government has identified “Compostable plastic” as one of the alternatives to the regular plastic. The Rules specify standards/norms for “Compostable plastic”. Further, to promote the use of such plastic, the restrictive provision of minimum thickness of fifty microns is not applicable to the carry bags made up of Compostable plastic, conforming IS/ISO 17088.Further, a committee has been constituted by Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET) with respect to research and development for Compostable/Biodegradable Technologies on Plastic.
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