Question : Compensation for Damage to Crops

(a) whether the Government has taken note that farmers have suffered huge losses due to damage to their crops in the wake of natural calamities such as unseasonal rain, hailstorm and drought in the country during the current year;

(b) if so, the details thereof, State and crop-wise;

(c) whether there are reports of inordinate delay in disbursing compensation to the farmers for crop damage in various parts of the country, if so, the details thereof and the steps taken by the Government to ensure the compensation reach the affected farmers in time;

(d) whether the compensation fixed for crop damage is inadequate, if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto; and

(e) whether the targets set for agricultural production has not been achieved during the current year due to the said natural calamities and if so, the details thereof and the steps taken by the Government to overcome the shortage of agricultural production?

Answer given by the minister


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(a) & (b): As State Government is empowered to undertake necessary relief measures in



the wake of natural calamities like, drought, hailstorm, pest attack & cold wave/frost from State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) which is readily available with them, State Governments have been requested to take immediate steps to address the notified calamities by utilizing the funds available under SDRF. Additional financial assistance, over and above SDRF, is considered from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) for natural calamities of severe nature on receipt of a memorandum from the State. Memoranda have been received from the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana, Karnataka, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh & Maharashtra seeking financial assistance from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) in the wake of hailstorm & drought. The main Rabi Crops affected are wheat, maize, mustard, gram, pea, lentil, vegetables, etc. Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC) have constituted Inter-Ministerial Central Teams (IMCTs) to visit the affected areas for assessment of the ground situation and recommendation financial assistance. Details of financial assistance sought/approved from the NDRF State-wise is annexed. In addition the calamity affected farmers are entitled for claims under various crop insurance schemes under implementation in the country.

(c) & (d): All Chief Secretaries of the affected States were requested to expedite the assessment of yield losses in association with concerned insurance companies and expedite the settlement of claims. Insurance companies have also been directed to expedite the assessment of losses based on weather parameters (under Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme) and individual basis (under localized risks) for early settlement of claims and also on account payment (25% of likely claims) to the farmers. Total claims of about Rs.60059 lakh have been paid so far by the insurance companies for Rabi 2014-15 season under Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme and Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme. Admissible claims under Insurance Scheme are worked out and paid as per the provision of respective schemes. In addition, all farmers who suffered crop loss 33% or more, financial assistance under SDRF/NDRF in the wake of notified natural calamities is provided by way of relief. The extant norms of Ministry of Home Affairs dated 8th April 2015, inter-alia provide for assistance to the farmers in the form of Agriculture Input Subsidy (where crop loss is 33% and above) for damage caused to all types agriculture and horticulture cropped areas due to the notified natural calamities. The assistance are Rs.6,800/- per ha. for rainfed crops, Rs.13,500/- per ha. for assured irrigated crops, subject to minimum assistance not less than Rs.1000 and restricted to sown areas and Rs.18,000/- per ha. for all type of perennial crops, subject to minimum assistance not less than Rs.2000/- and restricted to sown areas, where crop loss is more than 33% and above.

(e) As per the Third Advance Estimate of Production of Foodgrains for Rabi Season (2014-15) is 126.52 million tonnes against the target of 130.75 million tonnes.

The stock of wheat and rice in the Central pool is well above buffer norms and is sufficient to meet the food security requirements of the country. As on 1.7.2015, the stock of wheat and rice in the Central Pool was 386.80 lakh MT and 158.95 lakh MT respectively.

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