(a) whether a gap exists between enrolment and Drop Out rates at primary and secondary levels in the States with significant tribal population;

(b) if so, the reaction of the Government thereto and details of enrolment/Drop Out during the last three years in States with tribal population;

(c) whether adequate measures have been taken to bridge the gap and if so, the details thereof;

(d) the percentage of school pass-outs and graduates from the Scheduled Tribes enrolled for higher studies; and

(e) the number of graduates who have availed the benefits from the Post-Matric Scholarship and the Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships and other promo- tional schemes?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House


(a) to (c): According to the Unified District Information System for Education ( U-DISE ) the Enrolment, Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) & Drop-out rate at primary (I-V) and Secondary (I-X) level, at all India Level for Scheduled Tribes (STs) and All Category Students is given below:-

Category 2013-14 2011-12
Enrolment(in Lakh) Gross Enrolment Ratio Drop-out Rate Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Primary Secondary
All Category 1324.28 2361.96 101.4 74.89 22.3 50.3 Scheduled 146.80 243.46 113.2 70.2 35.3 66.0 Tribes
Source:-(i) U-DISE 2013-14 (For Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio)
(ii) Statistics of School Education- 2011-12 (For Drop-Out Rate )
The State-wise details of the Enrolment, Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER), Drop-Out rate for All Category and Scheduled Tribes Students for the latest available year are at Annexure-I (a) & (b).

The State-wise details of the Enrolment for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 and Drop-out Rate for the years 2009-10, 2010-11 & 2011-12 for Scheduled Tribes Students are given at Annexure-II (a) & (b) respectively.

The Central Government is implementing several schemes in collaboration with State Governments to ensure edu- cational development in the school education sector. The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is being implemented in accordance with the norms and standards of the RTE Act to enhance enrolment and retention of children, with context- specific interventions for SC/ ST students and a multi–pronged approach for reducing dropout rates. This includes inter-alia strengthening of school infra- structure and facilities, residential hostel buildings for children in habitations not covered by regular schools, provisioning for additional teachers, regular training of teachers, provision for free text books and uniforms to children. The Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme provides for setting up of residential upper pri- mary schools for girls from SC, ST, OBC and Minority communities. The Mid Day Meal Scheme is also being imp- lemented with a view to enhance enrolment and retention of children in schools. Further, the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan(RMSA) which has been launched for universal access to secondary education, aims at removing gender and socio-economic disparities in access to education. The National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Edu- cation (NSIGSE) launched in May 2008 seeks to reduce the drop-outs and to promote the enrolment of girl child belonging mainly to SC/ST communities in secondary schools. Enrolment drives in areas having concentration of SC and ST groups, special coaching/remedial teaching and sensi- tization programmes are some of the other measures under- taken under RMSA to reduce dropout rate.

The Government has undertaken GIS mapping of schools so that areas that do not have Elementary and Secondary schools could be identified and provided schools. This ry Education (CBSE) to enable disadvantaged girl students and other students from SC/ST and minorities to transit from school to post-school professional education especially in Science and Mathematics.

Under PRAGATI Scheme, scholarship is provided to 4000 girl students per annum to pursue Technical Education based on merit and income criteria of the family. Simi- larly, under the scheme, scholarship for Specially abled children (SAKSHAM), 1000 scholarships per annum to pursue technical education has been launched on National Edu- cation Day, 2014.

Online Courses are available for all learners in the country either enrolled in any Institution or otherwise. National Programme on Technology Enhancement Learning (NPTEL) has already offered around 600 courses in technical fields and 200 more are under development. Consortium for Education Communication (CEC) has already launched undergraduate level courses in 8 subjects and courses in 11 subjects are under development.

Apart from Ministry of Human Resource Development, Ministry of Tribal Affairs is also implementing several schemes for the Educational Development of Schedule Tribes Students.

(d): The Percentage of school pass-outs during 2010 is 76.2% for all category students and 66.5% for Scheduled Tribes students as per the publication “Results of High School and Higher Secondary examinations” -2010. Category –wise data on Graduates is not collected nationally in higher education sector. However, the Enrolment and Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education for All Category students and for Scheduled Tribes students in 2012-13 as per the provisional report of All India Survey on Higher Education is given below:-
Category 2012-13
Enrolment Gross Enrolment Ratio(GER)
All Category 29629022 21.1 Scheduled 1314481 11.0 Tribes
(e): The number of beneficiaries under the various promotional schemes including the scheme of Post Matric Scholarship and the Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships for scheduled Tribes Students is given below:-
Name of the Scheme No. of Beneficiaries
Post Matric Scholarship (Implemented through 2034563 M/oTribal Affairs) Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships The total number of fresh (Scheme of M/o oTribal fellowship each year Affairs and Implemented is 667 for ST Students through University Grant Commission) Scheme of Hostels for 44 Hostel ST Girls and Boys with 2820(Seat) (Implemented through M/oTribal Affairs) Pre-Matric Scholarship for needy Scheduled Tribe student (Implemented through 2123512 M/oTribal Affairs) Scheme of Upgradation of Merit (Implemented through 32 M/oTribal Affairs) Vocational Training in Tribal Areas (Implemented through 2000 M/oTribal Affairs) Post-Doctoral Fellowships for ST Students (Scheme of MHRD, 24 (2009-10) implemented through UGC) Post-Graduate Scholarships for Students belonging to STs (Scheme of MHRD, 178 (2009-10) implemented through UGC)

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