Question : Job Seekers Registered at Employment Exchanges

(a) the State-wise details of the job seekers registered on the live register at Employment Exchanges in the country during the last three years;

(b) the State-wise details of the job seekers in the age group of 15-29 during the last three years;

(c) the details of the vacancies notified, filled, cancelled and outstanding during the last three years;

(d) the category-wise details of the job seekers placed through employment exchanges during the last three years; and

(e) whether the Ministry has evaluated the unemployment situation based on information available from Employment Exchanges and if so, the details of the key findings?

Answer given by the minister

(a) & (b): As per the information received from the States/UTs, the number of job-seekers, all of whom may not necessarily be unemployed, registered on live register of employment exchanges, State-wise for all ages and having age group of 15-29 years to the extent available is given at annexure I & II.

(c): As per the information received from the States/UTs, the vacancies notified and placement through employment exchanges during the year 2015, 2016 and 2017 to the extent available are as under:
No. of Vacancies notified and Placement (in Lakh)
Year 2015 2016 2017
Vacancies Notified 8.10 14.01 8.13
Placement 3.95 4.05 4.25

(d): As per the information received from the States/UTs, the category-wise details of number of job seekers placed through employment exchanges in the country during 2014, 2015 and 2016 to the extent available are given below:
Category-wise placement of job seekers(in thousand)
Year Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Other Backward Classes
2014 22.3 24.2 10.2
2015 26.7 28.1 11.3
2016 29.2 26.9 8.7

(e): Based on the information received from the State/UTs some key finding are as (i) there are 997 employment exchanges, including 76 University Employment Information and Guidance Bureau (UEI&GB), functioning in the country in the year 2017 and as reported by the State/UTs, 424.4 lakh job seekers, all of whom may not necessarily be unemployed, were registered on the live register of employment exchanges in the country at the end of December 2017(to extent available).
Besides, Government has implemented the National Career Service (NSC) Project which comprises a digital portal that provides a nation-wide online platform for the job seekers and employers for job-matching in a dynamic, efficient and responsive manner and has a repository of career content for job seekers. These services are available online on the National Career Service Portal (
The NCS Project also envisaged setting up of Model Career Centres (MCCs) to be established in collaboration with States and other institutions to deliver employment services. The Government has approved establishment of 200 Model Career Centres. The Government provides financial assistance to these centres based on the proposals and scheme guidelines. These Model Career Centres can be replicated by the States from their own resources. In addition, the NCS project has a component of interlinking of employment exchanges with NCS and provides central funding to States for up-gradation of infrastructures in employment exchanges and organizing Job fairs. The Government provides part financial assistance based on the proposals received from States and scheme guidelines.

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