Question : Funds for Modernisation of Police Force

(a) whether the Government is implementing a Non-plan scheme for
Modernisation of State Police Force to supplement the efforts of the State Government in modernising their police force, if so, the details thereof and the total funds earmarked, allocated and disbursed to various States during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise;

(b) whether the Government has released the sanctioned funds to all the States and if so, the details thereof along with the status of release of the balance amount of Rs. 171.15 crores to Tamil Nadu;

(c) whether the Government has provided assistance to the State Governments, as 50% grant-in-aid and 50% loans for purchase of vehicles, equipment for forensic science labs, finger print bureau, police training, weaponry, construction of flats for police personnel, police, stations and buildings for training and if so, the details thereof; and

(d) the other measures taken by the Government for modernisation of police force and the steps taken to check proper utilization of such funds?

Answer given by the minister


(a) & (b): Yes, Madam. ‘Police’ being a state subject as per the seventh Schedule to the Constitution of India, the principal responsibility of modernisation of state police forces lies with the State Governments. However, the Central Government under the Modernisation of Police Force (MPF) Scheme has been supplementing the efforts of the State Governments in modernizing their police forces. A statement showing the total funds earmarked/allocated and disbursed to various States during each of the last three years and the current year, State-wise is at Annexure-I. A statement showing allocation and release of funds for Megacity Policing, which is a component under MPF Scheme, is at Annexure-II. State Action Plan of the State of Tamil Nadu with allocation of Rs. 32.31 crore has been approved for the FY 2016-17.

(c) State Governments are provided central funding which could be either 60% or 90% of the SAP. The States are grouped into two categories namely Category-‘A’ and Category-‘B’ for the purpose of funding. Category ‘A’ States, namely Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand and
L.S. US.Q.No.3901 FOR 09.08.2016

Himachal Pradesh and 8 North Eastern States, including Sikkim, are eligible to receive financial assistance on a 90:10 (Centre: State) cost sharing basis. The remaining States, including Tamil Nadu, are in Category ‘B’ and are eligible for financial assistance on a 60:40(Centre: State) cost sharing basis.

(d) Other measures taken by the Central Government to modernize state police forces include Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems(CCTNS), operating a nationwide Satellite network for police communication, etc. To check proper utilization of funds released to State Governments under the MPF Scheme, funds are released subject to submission of Utilisation Certificates by the States, review under taken by High Powered Committee in MHA, quarterly Concurrent Audit made by MHA, and studies conducted through Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), in addition to regular mechanism of audit by C&AG.

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