Question : Assessment under Smart City Projects

(a) the process for selection of projects for developing the cities as smart cities by the Government;

(b) the process for assessment of expenditure of the allocated fund for the smart cities by the Government;

(c) whether the Government has made any assessment of the projects likely to be completed under Bhagalpur smart city projects; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister



(a) to (d): Government of India launched the Smart Cities Mission (SCM) on 25 June 2015 for development of 100 cities as Smart Cities.
The selection of 100 Smart Cities has been completed through 4 rounds of selection from January, 2016 to June, 2018.

SCM has adopted a two-pronged strategy-Area Based Development (ABD) and Pan City Development. Under ABD, compact areas are taken up for comprehensive development of physical, social, institutional, and economic infrastructure, through one or more of either greenfield, retrofitting, or redevelopment models. Pan City Development envisages application of smart solutions in a city-wide manner. The Smart City Proposals (SCPs) of each city has been prepared through extensive citizen engagement. Since needs and aspirations of citizens in different cities are different, the priorities and projects contained in such SCPs vary from city to city.

Under SCM, the Central Government shall give financial support to the Mission to the extent of ? 48,000 crore over five years, on an average of ? 500 crore per city. An equal amount, on a matching basis, will be contributed by the State/Urban Local Body. As on 21 January 2022, Government of India has released ? 28,413.60 crore for 100 Smart Cities, out of which ? 23,668.27 crore (83%) have been utilized. The status of the projects of Bhagalpur Smart City is given below: -

(Amount in ? crore)
DPR Stage Tender Stage Work Order Stage Work Completed Total

No. of Projects Amount No. of Projects Amount No. of Projects Amount No. of Projects Amount No. of Projects Amount
7 5.00 5 474.28 18 1,475.24 2 17.08 32 1,971.60

(Source: Geospatial Management Information System, as on 21 January 2022)

The period of implementation of SCM has been extended upto June 2023 and all Smart Cities, including Bhagalpur Smart City, are expected to complete their projects within the stipulated time.


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