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(a) At present, 26 Sainik Schools are functioning in the country. State wise list of the Sainik Schools is given in Annexure-I.
(b) Sainik Schools were introduced in 1961 with the primary aim of preparing boys academically, physically and mentally for entry into the National Defence Academy. The objectives behind opening of Sainik Schools are:-
(i) To remove regional imbalance in the officer cadre of the defence services.
(ii) To develop qualities of body, mind and character which will enable the young boys of today to become good and useful citizens of tomorrow.
(iii) To bring public school education within reach of the common man.
The first Rashtriya Military School was set up in 1925. There are presently 5 Rashtriya Military Schools. The aim of the Rashtriya Military Schools is to impart quality education and to prepare the cadets to join the Defence Services.
(c) There are 26 Sainik Schools covering 22 States. As per procedure, Sainik Schools are opened on the specific request of the State Government. Out of the remaining 7 States, five States namely Arunachal Pradesh, Telangana, U.P., Tripura and Sikkim have requested for establishing Sainik Schools in their States. Allocation made for Sainik Schools from the defence budget is as follows:-
Year Budget Allocated
(Rs. in crores)
2015-16 74.84
2016-17 81.38
2017-18 80.00
(d) At present there are 21 proposals for establishing Sainik Schools from various States / UTs including Sainik School at Warangal in Telangana. Details are given in Annexure-II.
(e) Yes, Madam. Sainik Schools and Rashtriya Military Schools have proved their utility by providing adequate number of officers to NDA. Review of performance of these Schools is an ongoing process which is done by Director General Military Training in case of Rashtriya Military
Schools and by two Inspecting Officers, Sainik Schools Society in case of Sainik Schools by way of inspections. The performance of these schools are monitored on different parameters like Class X and XII results, number of cadets selected in NDA and training of faculty members. Towards improving performance and addressing shortcomings, there are in-service training programmes for teachers, workshops / conferences for Principals and other administrative staff, special coaching for NDA entrance examination, etc.
Year wise number of cadets joining NDA from Sainik Schools & Rashtriya Military Schools for the last three years is as follows:-
Year Sainik Schools Rashtriya Military Schools
2015 144 23
2016 159 31
2017 173 29
In addition number of Sainik School Students have joined Defence Services through Officers Training Academy, Indian Military Academy and Indian Naval Academy.
(f) Year wise percentage of cadets in NDA from Sainik Schools for last three years is as follows:-
2015 : - 23.92%
2016 : - 29.33%
2017 : - 26.15%
(g) There have been no new Regiments raised since Independence. However, the Sub unit / units which are raised as part of existing Regiments are as per the existing nomenclature and numerical seniority of the units in that Regiment. As per Government policy on the subject, all citizens irrespective of their class, creed, region or religion are eligible for enrolment in the Indian Army. After Independence, it has been the policy of the Government of India not to raise any new Regiment for a particular class / community / religion or region. Presently, adequate and equitable opportunities are being provided to all citizens for recruitment into the Army.
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