(a) to (b) Yes Sir. Since 1998 â 1999, all Ministries/ Departments of Government of
India (except a few specifically exempted ones) are earmarking at least 10% of their annual
budget, less allocation for externally aided schemes and local or event specific schemes
/projects for expenditure in the North Eastern Region. At present, there are 52 non-exempted
Ministries / Departments which earmark funds for the North Eastern Region.
The year-wise allocation/expenditure under earmarked funds for North East Region by
non-exempted Ministries during the last three years are as given below:
(Rs. cr.)
RE Expenditure RE Expenditure RE Expenditure@
2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10
12968.38 11048.07 14846.91 12446.74 16229.46 11518.90
@ expenditure details furnished by 39 Non-exempted Ministries.
Ministry / Department-wise outlay and expenditure during the last three years with respect
to earmarked funds for NER is annexed at Annexure I, II, III. The details shows under
utilization of funds against the outlays by a few Ministries/Departments. Broad reasons for
under utilization as reported by Ministries/ Departments are absence of proposals and
Utilisation Certificates from North East States.
(c) The line Central Ministries / Departments are responsible for implementation of their
schemes in the North East States against earmarked allocations. However, keeping in view the
potentiality of accelerating development of the Region across sectors through stepping up
utilization of the same by North East States, the Ministry of DoNER is laying importance to
the utilization of funds against funds earmarked for the North East by the non-exempted
Ministries through calling for periodic reports from the Ministries/Departments concerned.