Question : BBMB

(a) whether Rajasthan has been givenappropriate representation in Bhakra BeasManagement Board (BBMB);

(b) if so, the details thereof and if not,the reasons therefor;

(c) the corrective measures taken by theGovernment in this regard;

(d) whether the BBMB had made areference under Rule 7 of BBMB Rules, 1974 for sharing of posts in BBMB forBeas Project and Bhakra Complex; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and thereaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) : As per Section 79(2) of the Punjab Re-organization Act, 1966, a Whole Time Chairman and two Whole Time Members are appointed by Central Government in Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB). By convention, the Chairperson of BBMB has always been appointed from outside the Member States and two Members are appointed from Haryana and Punjab and the arrangement is since continuing. In addition, Principal Secretaries of Irrigation Department of partner States including Rajasthan and two representatives of the Central Government are also Members in the Bhakra Beak Management Board.

Earlier, on the persistent request of Government of Rajasthan, this Ministry moved a proposal to Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) for an amendment in the Punjab Re-organization Act, 1966, to create one more post of Member in BBMB which could then be filled on the recommendation by the Government of Rajasthan. However, MHA did not agree with the proposal on the ground that no useful purpose would be served by amending Section 79 (2) of the Punjab Re-organization Act, 1966.

(d) & (e) : The information is being collected and shall be laid on the Table of the House.