Question : Women Officers in Delhi Police

(a) the number of women officers in Delhi Police at present and the details of the steps taken to increase their number in Delhi Police during the last five years;

(b) the number of police personnel currently working in Delhi Police against the number of approved posts for men and women;

(c) the reasons for not making recruitment against vacant posts for a long time;

(d) whether crimes in Delhi are rising due to the shortage of manpower in Delhi Police force; and

(e) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (c): Details of sanctioned strength and personnel posted (men and women) in Delhi Police as on 28.02.2022 are as under:
Sanctioned strength Personnel posted
Men Women Total
94,358 67,903 10,205 78,108

To augment the representation of women in the Police Forces of all the Union Territories (UTs) including Delhi Police, Government of India has approved 33% reservation for women in direct recruitment in Non-Gazetted posts from Constable to Sub-Inspector, on 20.03.2015.

Occurrence of vacancies, inter-alia on account of retirements, creation of posts etc. is a dynamic process and accordingly filling up vacancies is a continuous process. Delhi Police has already initiated recruitment process to fill up the vacant posts.

(d) and (e): Crime depends on many factors including socio-economic conditions, demography, materialism, consumerism, impact of mass media, anonymity, mental health, unplanned urbanization, institutional arrangement etc.

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