(a) whether expert committee on ``Planning for the Sixth Schedule Areas and those not covered by Parts IX and IX-A of the Constitution`` has recommended strengthening of the Villages and autonomous councils to ensure an increased flow of funds and development;

(b) if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether the Villages and autonomous councils have been set up;

(d) if so, the details thereof; and

(e) if not, the steps taken by the Union Government in this regard?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes, Sir.

(b): The Expert Committee on Planning for the Sixth Schedule Areas and those not covered by Parts IX and IX-A of the Constitution had made various recommendations including those related to mechanism for fund flow to such Councils etc. In order to further consider the matters relating to smooth fund flow in the North Eastern (NE) States, Constitution of Villages and autonomous councils etc, this Ministry has initiated a process of consultation and meetings in this behalf have been held with representatives of Planning Commission, Ministries of Home Affairs, Tribal Affairs, Development of North Eastern Region, Environment & Forest and Department of Legal Affair etc. This will be a continuous process. The manner of utilization of funds by the Councils of North Eastern

States is examined by the Committees constituted by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region.

(c) to (e): The Village Councils and Autonomous Councils known under different names have been constituted earlier. In some areas Village Councils are constituted under State Legislation and in other areas under laws made by the Autonomous Councils. The powers and functions vary from State to State. Some Village Councils have only judicial functions, some have only development functions and some have both judicial and development functions.