Question : Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft

(a) whether any agreement for joint-development of a Fifth-Generation Fighter Aircraft with Russia has been signed by the Government;

(b) if so, the details thereof along with the total expenditure incurred till date as development cost for the said aircraft;

(c) the total planned expenditure as development cost that the Government has to pay as per the agreement;

(d) whether Indian pilots and engineers have access to the aircraft and its technologies; and

(e) if so, the details thereof and its expected time to be inducted into the Indian Air Force?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) & (b): An Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) has been signed in October 2007 between the Governments of India and the Russian Federation for Joint Development and production of Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA).
The project is planned to be executed in two phases (i) Preliminary Design (PD) Phase; and (ii) Detailed Design & Development Phase (called R & D Phase). The PD stage contract was signed in December, 2010. The work commenced in February 2011 and completed in June, 2013.

An amount of Rs.1535.45 Crore has been spent as on 31st March 2017.
(c) No planned expenditure has been recommended in the IGA. Any future expenditure under R&D Contract will be known once the Commercial negotiation Committee (CNC) submits its recommendations to the Government.
(d) No, Madam.
(e) Question does not arise at this stage.


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