(a) whether a large number of foreigners including Nigerians have been apprehended in drug smuggling cases in the country;

(b) if so, the number of foreigners arrested during each of the last three years and the current year, State/UT and countrywise;

(c) whether the involvement of foreigners in such cases are rampant in metropolitan cities of the country;

(d) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto;

(e) whether any inputs have been received regarding threat from Nigerian diplomats to Indian diaspora in Nigeria in case of any atrocities against Nigerians in India; and

(f) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of the Government thereto?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Yes Madam, foreigners including Nigerians have been apprehended in drug smuggling cases in the country.

(b): Year-wise data of arrests of foreigners is enclosed at Annexure I.

(c ): Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) does not keep the records of arrests city-wise. However year-wise data of arrests of foreigners may be seen at Annexure I.

(d): The NCB, being a nodal agency in drug related matters, works on different aspects of drug menace in India and takes following measures:

# Intensive, preventive and interdiction efforts are taken along known drug routes.

# Strict surveillance and enforcement at import and export points

# Improved co-ordination between various drug law enforcement agencies in order to impart greater cohesion to interdiction

# The Border Guarding Forces such as Border Security Force & Sashastra Seema Bal have been empowered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act for making interdiction of narcotic drugs.

# Increased international co-operation, for exchange of information and investigative assistance in administering control over the movement of Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances and Precursor Chemicals

# India has signed Bilateral Agreement /MOUs on drug related matters with different countries.

# Training programmes are being conducted for law enforcement officials for upgrading their skills to combat drug menace.

# organizing awareness programmes in schools and colleges.

# public awareness programmes are organized periodically to stop the menace of drug abuse.

# Monetary rewards for information leading to seizures of narcotic drugs/destruction of illicit crops to informers and officers are being provided.

(e) & (f): Ministry of External Affairs has informed that there has been no record of any such threat having been articulated by the Nigerian side in its bilateral interaction with the Government of India. Cases involving Nigerian nationals arrested in India are discussed by the two countries on a regular basis within the framework of discussions on consular matters. Both sides agree that these consular matters have to be dealt with within the framework of existing laws, norms and procedural guidelines.

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