(a) the number of bio-gas plants set up during the last thee years, State-wise;

(b) the number of plants closed out of them;

(c) the reasons for their closure; and

(d) the target in regard to setting up of bio-gas plants during the current and ensuing financial years?

Answer given by the minister


(a): Details of biogas plants set up in different States during the last three years, i.e. 1998-99 to 2000-2001 under the Central Sector Schemes, namely, National Project on Biogas Development (NPBD), which caters to family type biogas plants and Community, Institutional and Night-soil based Biogas Plants Programme are annexed.

(b): The number of non-functional (closed) plants varies from State to State. While the Programme Evaluation Organisation, Planning Commission has taken up an evaluation survey study on plants set up in the last five years, an analysis of the monitoring reports for the last three years received from various State nodal departments and agencies, Ministry`s Regional Offices and Biogas Development and Training Centres indicates that on a national average basis, only twelve per cent of the inspected plants were found non-functional.

(c): The reasons for non-functioning of plants are:
(i) structural problems caused due to improper construction and natural calamities, such as cyclone, floods, etc.;
(ii) operational problems, including lack of interest on the part of beneficiaries to follow day-to-day operation and maintenance schedule and migration of cattle due to drought; and
(iii) social problems, such as division in families, litigations, etc.

(d): For 2001-2002, a target of setting up of 1.80 lakh family and 400 community, institutional and night-soil based biogas plants has been planned. The targets for the ensuing financial years would depend on finalisation of the biogas programme for the Tenth Plan (2002-2007).

Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 5737 to be answered on 30-08-2001 regarding Setting up of biogas plants by Shri Satyavrat Chaturvedi, Shri Sunder Lal Tiwari and Shri Rajo Singh

Number of biogas plants set up under the National Project on Biogas Development and Community, Institutional and Night-soil based Biogas Plants Programme during the last three years, i.e. 1998-99 to 2000-2001.

State/Union Territory	No. of biogas plants set up
Family type plants Community, institutional and	night-soil plants
Andhra Pradesh 71339 12 Arunachal Pradesh 731 - Assam 19033 - Bihar 13593 4 Goa 436 2 Gujarat 29610 27 Haryana 7103 24 Himachal Pradesh 2666 4 Jammu & Kashmir 279 - Karnataka 72162 14 Kerala 18698 92 Madhya Pradesh 43987 2 Maharashtra 48591 107 Manipur 448 4 Meghalaya 1295 4 Mizoram 900 - Nagaland 677 10 Orissa 26263 7 Punjab 19401 194 Rajasthan 3335 17 Sikkim 977 - Tamil Nadu 6675 53 Tripura 646 - Uttar Pradesh 45695 486 West Bengal 54329 26 Other States / U.Ts 12 28
Total 488881 1117