Question : Closed Irrigation Projects

(a) whether the Government is aware that several irrigation projects are lying closed in the country due to lack of proper maintenance, if so, the details of irrigation projects lying closed at present, State-wise;
(b) the reasons for not maintaining the said irrigation projects;
(c) whether any inquiries have been made in this regard, if so, the details and the outcome thereof along with follow up action taken thereon, if not, the reasons therefor; and
(d) the steps taken/to be taken to maintain and revive the closed projects?

Answer given by the minister

(a) to (d) Water resources projects are planned, funded, executed and maintained by the State Governments themselves as per their own resources and priorities. In order to supplement the efforts of the State Governments, Government of India provides technical and financial assistance to State Governments to encourage sustainable development and efficient management of water resources through various schemes and programmes such as Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) etc.
Under AIBP, 143 projects have been completed. Out of these, 46 projects have been analysed by Central Water Commission (CWC) and their report indicates a gap of 7.87 Lha in Irrigation Potential Created (IPC) and Irrigation Potential Utilized (IPU) in these projects.
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) has been launched during 2015 - 16 with the objective of enhancing irrigation coverage and improving the delivery system at farm level. Ninety Nine ongoing irrigation projects under AIBP, in the country, have been prioritized in consultation with States, for completion in phases by December, 2019 in a mission mode at a cost of Rs. 77,595 crores. To facilitate easier investments, the Government has approved the funding arrangement for these projects through NABARD at a lower level of interest for states for their completion as per schedule. These prioritized projects would only be considered complete once the Command Area Development (CAD) works have been completed.

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