Question : Schemes for the Intellectually Disabled

(a) the details of the schemes being implemented for intellectually disabled children in the country;

(b) the details of such children in the country, State-wise including the State of Uttarakhand and Bundelkhand region;

(c) whether special efforts are being made to ensure the livelihood of such children; and

(d) if so, the details thereof?

Answer given by the minister


(a) The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) implements following major schemes for the welfare of Persons with Disabilities including children with intellectual disabilities:
(i) Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS),
(ii) Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances Scheme (ADIP),
(iii) National Action Plan for Skill Development of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs),
(iv) Scholarships for Students with Disabilities,

Details of these schemes are at Annexure-I.

In addition, National Trust, a statutory body under the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), was set up in 2000 under the National Trust for the welfare of persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities Act, 1999. National Trust runs various schemes and programmes ranging from early intervention for children upto 10 years to residential centres for adults with severe disabilities. The major Schemes of National Trust are as follows:

(i) Disha (Early Intervention and School Readiness Scheme for 0-10 years),
(ii) VIKAAS (Day Care Scheme for 10+ years),
(iii) Disha-cum-Vikaas Scheme (Day Care),
(iv) Samarth (Respite Care Residential Scheme),
(v) Samarth-cum-Gharaunda Scheme (Residential),
(vi) Sahyogi (Care Associate Training scheme),
(vii) Badhte Kadam (Awareness, Community Interaction & Innovative Project Scheme),
(viii) ‘Niramaya’ Health Insurance Scheme,

(b) As per Census 2011, there are 5,95,231 children with intellectual disabilities (in the age group of 0-19 year) in the country. State/UT-wise number of such children is at Annexure-II. Region-wise separate data is not available.

(c) and (d) Relief to the disabled is a State subject by virtue of entry 9 of the State List of constitution of India. However, the Central Government supplements the efforts of the States Government.
The Central Government has enacted the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016 which came into force on 19.04.2017. The Act provides various rights and entitlements for Persons with Disabilities and mandates the appropriate Government to take measures to promote education, skill development, social security, health, rehabilitation and recreation for PwDs so that they can enjoy their rights equally with others. The Act provides for reservation in seats in Government/ Government aided higher educational institutions and reservation in Government jobs as well as in allotment of land for housing, setting up of business etc. for persons with benchmark disabilities including persons with intellectual disabilities.
Further, in order to implement the provision of reservation in Government employment envisaged under the RPwD Act, 2016, the Ministry notified the list of 3566 posts suitable for various categories of persons with benchmark disabilities on 04.01.2021.
In addition, the Department implements a National Action Plan (NAP) for Skill Development of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) under which skilling of PwDs is conducted through a network of empanelled training partners comprising Government organizations and non-Governmental organizations.

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