Question : Under Construction Power Projects

(a) the details of power projects under construction in the country and their present status along with the proposed generation capacity, State/UT-wise and source-wise;

(b) whether cost of some of the said projects has escalated due to missing their deadline of completion;

(c) if so, the details of such projects, their deadline of completion and cost escalated separately, and the reasons therefor along with the responsibility fixed in such delays, project-wise;

(d) whether the Government has fulfilled its promise of rehabilitation and employment to the displaced persons of the said projects;

(e) if so, the details thereof, and if not, the reasons therefor, as on date, project-wise;

(f) whether the cases of irregularities/ corruption in execution of the said projects have come to the notice of the Government since inception; and

(g) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, project-wise along with the corrective measures taken/being taken by the Government to prevent irregularities/ corruption therein?

Answer given by the minister



(a) : The details of under construction power projects in the country along with its proposed generation capacity source-wise and sector-wise are given at Annex-I.

(b) & (c) : Some of the under construction power projects are having time/cost overrun. The details of such under construction projects having time/cost overrun are given at Annex-II. Major reasons for time overrun in thermal and hydro projects are given as under:


• Slow civil works, delay in Balance of Plants equipment/systems,
• Contractual issues,
• Law & order problem,
• Other customer/ project developer(s) issues,
• Delay in handing over the units to BHEL,
• Delay in finalization and subsequent changes in the scope for R&M (Renovation & Modernisation),
• Changes in layout plan,
• Non-availability of spares,


• Delay in Land Acquisition
• Environment and Forest issues
• Rehabilitation & Resettlement issues
• Natural Calamities
• Law & order problem & Local issues
• Contractual problems
• Geological uncertainties
• Difficult Terrain & Poor Accessibility
• Funds constraints
• Force Majeure Risk
• Inter-state issues

The major reasons for cost overrun are; increase in interest rate, general price index and changes in the scope of project.

(d) & (e) : As per Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Policies of the Government of India and concerned State Government, a comprehensive project specific R&R plan, comprising of measures related to rehabilitation, resettlement and need based community development activities, in line with extant R&R policies is formulated in a consultative and participatory manner involving the stakeholders comprising of representatives from project affected families, District Administration and PSUs. The R&R plan is approved by the concerned State Government and implemented thereafter.

(f) & (g) : Only complaints against Board Level Officers of PSUs are maintained, which inter alia include financial and administrative irregularities. No centralized project wise complaint data is maintained. However, in order to streamline the vigilance machinery, the Ministry of Power has embarked on a host of preventive/proactive measures which include identification and rotation of officers from sensitive posts after three years, implementation of E-governance measures like E-tendering, E-reverse auction and standardization of technical specification for major items of procurement etc.


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