(a),(b),(c),(d)&(e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.
Statement referred to in reply to parts (a),(b),(c),(d) & (e) of the Lok Sabha Starred Question
No. 193 for answer on 06.08.2010 regarding Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources
(a) : State-wise, resource-wise and year-wise details of cumulative renewable power generation
capacity set up in the country and the actual/ estimated annual electricity generation from the
same during the last three years i.e. 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-2010 and current year 2010-11 (as on 30.06.2010) are given in Annexure-I.
(b) : State-wise details of Central Financial Assistance/ Subsidy provided for various
renewable energy projects during 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-2010 and current year 2010-11 (as
on 30.06.2010) are given in Annexure-II. In addition, fiscal incentives such as concessional
customs and excise duties, 80% accelerated depreciation and 10 year tax holiday on revenue from
sale of renewable power can be availed for such projects. Preferential tariff for
grid-interactive renewable power is also being provided in most potential States.
(c) & (d): The Ministry has set up specialized technical institutions for providing necessary
technological support for development of renewable energy. The Solar Energy Centre, which is a
part of the Ministry, acts as the technical focal point for solar energy sector and the Centre
for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET), an autonomous institution of the Ministry, is the technical
focal point for the wind energy sector. The Alternate Hydro Energy Centre set up at IIT,
Roorkee provides technical services in small hydro power sector. Further, the Ministry has
an R&D scheme wherein financial support ranging from 50-90% of project cost is provided for
collaborative Research, Design, Development and Demonstration projects in association with
Industry. The Government already has an attractive policy in place to encourage transfer of
foreign technologies, including those in renewable energy sector, wherein foreign technology
induction is encouraged both through FDI and Foreign technology collaborations are permitted
in general through the automatic approval route except in specified cases requiring Government
(e) : The Government has taken several fresh initiatives in recent past for promotion of
renewable energy sources throughout the country.These include the following:
# New Scheme Generation Based Incentives Scheme for Wind Power to attract private investment
by Independent Power Producers not availing Accelerated Depreciation benefit.
# New Scheme introduced on Generation Based Incentive for solar power
# New scheme introduced for promotion of Renewable power plants at tail-end of grid
# New UNDP/GEF project for Solar Water Heating Systems initiated
# Promotion of Green buildings - National rating system GRIHA introduced
# New scheme for Roof-top SPV systems for diesel abatement introduced
# Scheme for Incentivising Banks for financing Solar Home lighting Scheme introduced
# Scheme for demonstration of RE systems at Iconic buildings launched
# Demonstration large plants supported to entrepreneurs for bottling of biogas.
# New scheme for micro-hydel formulated.
# Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission has been initiated recently to give a boost to
deployment of solar energy systems, solar photovoltaic as well as solar thermal,