(a) the details of various schemes presently being implemented for the growth and development of the North-Eastern States of the country;

(b) whether the Government proposes to reframe the policy for proper growth and development of the North-Eastern States;

(c) if so, the details of the measures initiated by the Government in this regard; and

(d) the mechanism put in place to effectively monitor implementation of various schemes for the development of the North-Eastern States?

Answer given by the minister

The Minister of State (Independent Charge) in the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region JITENDRA SINGH

(a) to (d) A Statement is laid on the Table of the LokSabha.

Statement referred to in reply to part (a) to (d) of LokSabha Starred Question No. 30 for answer on 25.02.2015

a) The various schemes presently being implemented for the growth and development of the North Eastern States by the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region are as under:

i) Non-lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) - State

ii) Non-lapsable Central Pool of Resources (NLCPR) - Central

iii)North Eastern Council (NEC) Schemes

iv) North Eastern State Roads Investment Programme (NESRIP)

v) North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP)

vi) Capacity Building & Technical Assistance (CB&TA) scheme

vii) Advertising and Publicity scheme

In addition, non-exempted Central Ministries/Departments also implement development schemes in the North Eastern Region and allocate minimum of 10% of their GBS exclusively to this region.The Union Budget 2014-15 has allocated an amount of Rs.53,705.72crore for various Plan schemes of the Central Ministries/Departments and the States for growth and development of the North Eastern States.Further, major infrastructure Ministries/Departments have prepared development blueprints specifically for the NER.

b) Government of India is committed to facilitate all round development of the region. However, policy formulation and modification are a continuous process and mid-course corrections are taken up whenever situation arises.

c) The measures initiated for corrections in policy framework for giving impetus to the effectiveness and efficacy of plan schemes,inter-alia, include review of all Centrally sponsored schemes and progress resulting in rationalisation of Centrally sponsored schemes.

d) For expeditious implementation of projects, monitoring mechanism is in place through which regular report from State Government/Implementing agencies are made mandatory which are reviewed and in addition field inspections are carried out. This has made it possible to appropriately intervene whenever and wherever required to ensure smooth progress and timely completion of projects. The projects are monitored on a regular basis regarding their physical and financial achievements through the Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) which are submitted by the State Governments and other implementing agencies. Review Meetings are also held from time to time with the State Governments of North Eastern Region to ascertain the progress of the projects that are being implemented and tender necessary advice as required. The quality of construction of the projects is directly supervised by the respective State Governments through their technical experts. Projects are also monitored periodically by the Nodal Officers of the States and through field inspections made by the area officers of the Ministry, the officers of the Technical Wing of the Ministry and Independent Quality Monitors (IQMs) and Regional Level Monitors (RLMs).

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