(a) 194 project proposals (107 New projects & 87 Revised Estimates) have
been received in CWC from various States for appraisal during last three year
and current year. The state wise details are enclosed at Annexure-I & II.
(b) Out of 194 project proposals (107 new projects & 87 revised estimates),
138 projects (56 New projects & 82 Revised estimates) have been accepted by the
Advisory Committee of MoWR. The state wise details are enclosed at Annexure-I & II.
(c) Presently, 51 New project proposals (29 major & 22 medium) and 5
Revised Estimates (3 major & 2 Medium) are under appraisal in CWC. The state
wise details are enclosed at Annexure-I & II.
(d) & (e) Time taken in clearance of projects depends upon time taken
by the project authorities in furnishing compliance to the observations given
by CWC & other central agencies and submission of other mandatory clearances
MoEF and MoTA etc, as necessary.
(f) As per the information available in CWC, 553 Projects (182 Major, 273
Medium and 98 ERM) spilled over from X to XI Plan. Out of which 82 Projects
(10 Major, 41 Medium and 31 ERM) were reported as completed leaving 471 Projects
(172 Major, 232 Medium and 76 ERM) lying incomplete across the country as on
March 2010. State-wise break-up of these projects are given at Annexure-III.
(g) Irrigation development being a state subject, planning, execution and
operation & maintenance of irrigation projects are carried out by the state
governments from their own resources and their priority. The Union Water
Resources Ministry provides assistance and guidance to the States Governments
as and when necessary.
The Union Ministry has been providing central assistance under
Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) since 1996-97 in order
to expedite completion of the projects fulfilling the eligibility as per
AIBP guidelines. The State Governments have been provided an amount of
Rs. 48565.476 crore as CLA/Grant under AIBP since inception of this
programme till date.