Question : Criticising of Policies

(a) whether the Government has issued warning to some of its employees of penal action criticising its policies and action especially in relation to GST network including social media;

(b) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor; and

(c) the extent to which such a move is likely to infringe upon the fundamental right of free speech?

Answer given by the minister


(a) to (c) The conduct rules applicable to every person appointed to a civil service or post in connection with the affairs of the Union Government provide that no Government servant shall, in any radio broadcast, telecast through any electronic media or in any document published in his own name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other person or in any communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement of fact or opinion, which has the effect of an adverse criticism of any current or recent policy or action of the Central Government or a State Government. Violation of conduct rules may invite penal proceedings. The Government has time and again been bringing the attention of its employees to various provisions relating to service matters. However, no warning has specifically been issued to the employees of penal action for criticising the policy of the Government in relation to GST Network.

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