Question : Remuneration to ASHA Workers

Will the Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE be pleased to state:
(a) the details of remuneration paid to ASHA workers under National Rural Health Mission and whether the Government will consider enhancing the remuneration to ASHA workers enabling them to lead a dignified life;
(b) whether the Government proposes to recognize services of ASHA workers as full time employee, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(c) whether any social security benefit is being given to ASHA workers, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor;
(d) whether additional honorarium is being paid to the ASHA workers for undertaking additional duties under COVID-19 management, if so, the details thereof;
(e) the details of the steps taken to ensure timely payment of dues to the ASHA workers;
(f) whether a number of ASHA workers have died during COVID-19 duty and if so, the details thereof, State/UT-wise; and
(g) the number of insurance claims filed for the health workers, fighting with COVID-19 under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan package along with further action taken thereon?

Answer given by the minister

(a): Under the National Health Mission, ASHAs are envisaged to be community health volunteer and are entitled to task/activity based incentives.
In FY 2018-19 the Union Cabinet approved the revised amount of routine recurrent incentive for ASHAs from Rs. 1000/month to Rs. 2000/month.
Now, ASHAs receive a fixed monthly incentive of Rs. 2000 per month for undertaking routine and recurring activities. The details of incentives for routine and recurring activities given to ASHAs is placed at Annexure-I. Additionally, she is provided performance-based incentives for a varied set of activities under various National Health Programmes. Details of performance-based incentives for a varied set of activities under various National Health Programmes is placed at Annexure- II. State governments also provide a range of monetary incentives to the ASHAs. State-wise details of incentives provided to the ASHAs is placed at Annexure-III.
After the launch of the Ayushman Bharat scheme with operationalisation of Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs), ASHAs are now additionally eligible for Team Based Incentives (TBIs) along with ANMs based on monitored performance indicators (up to Rs. 1000 per month).
The incentives to ASHAs are regularly being reviewed and activities for which ASHAs would get incentives are expanded from time to time.

(b): Under the National Health Mission, ASHAs are envisaged to be community health volunteer and are entitled only to task/activity based incentives.

(c): In the year 2018, the ASHA benefit package was introduced acknowledging significant contribution and commitment of ASHAs. The package providing coverage for:
• Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Beema Yojana (PMJJBY) with a benefit Rs. 2.00 Lakh in case of death of the insured (annual premium of Rs. 330 contributed by GOI).
• Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Beema Yojana (PMSBY) with a benefit of Rs. 2.00 lakh for accidental death or permanent disability; Rs. 1.00 lakh for partial disability (annual premium of Rs. 12 contributed by GOI).
• Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan Dhan (PM-SYM) with pension benefit of Rs. 3000 pm after age of 60 years (50% contribution of premium by GOI and 50% by beneficiaries).

The government has also approved a cash award of Rs. 20,000/- and a citation to ASHAs who leave the programme after working as ASHAs for minimum of 10 years, as acknowledgement of their contribution.
States/UTs have been asked to ensure provision of safety tools like masks, gloves, soaps and sanitizers etc. for ASHAs.
Moreover, under the recently launched Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package in the year 2020, Insurance Scheme has been introduced for all health workers, including ASHAs. This insurance scheme provides an insurance cover of Rs. 50.00 Lakhs in-case of loss of life on account of COVID-19 related duty.

(d): In view of the significant contribution towards the COVID-19 pandemic related work by ASHAs, States were advised to pay an additional incentive of Rs.1000/- per month for those ASHAs engaged in COVID-19 related work using the resources of COVID-19 Health System Preparedness and Emergency Response Package upto September, 2021.
Moreover, under the recently launched Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Package, Insurance Scheme has been introduced for all health workers, including ASHAs. This insurance scheme provides an insurance cover of Rs. 50.00 Lakhs in-case of loss of life on account of COVID-19 related duty.
Provisions are also made for continued full payment of the existing Routine and Recurring Incentive of Rs. 2000 per month to ASHAs to ensure delivery of essential health services during the pandemic along with additional COVID-19 incentives for ASHAs.

(e): Public Health and Hospitals being a State Subject, all the administrative and personnel matters of health human resource lie with the respective State/UT Governments. Under the National Health Mission (NHM), Government of India provides financial and technical support to States/UTs to strengthen their healthcare systems including support for remuneration of health human resources including incentives for ASHA workers, based on the requirements posed by the States/UTs in their Programme Implementation Plans (PIPs) subject to availability of resources. Hence, the responsibility for timely payment of incentive to ASHAs lies with the respective States/UTs. However, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, requests the States/UTs time and again, to ensure that incentives are paid to ASHAs without any delay.

(f): A statement showing, State/UT-wise, numbers of ASHAs died during COVID-19 activities as reported by the States/UTs (as on April, 2021) is placed at Annexure-IV.

(g): As on 18.07.2021, 1349 nos. of claims have been filed for the health workers including ASHAs fighting with COVID-19, out of which 944 nos. of claims were paid, 273 nos. of claims were withdrawn by States or found ineligible (not being in terms of eligibility criteria) and remaining 132 nos. of claims are under examination under Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan package.

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