(a): Government regularly carries out National level surveys to assess and analyse issues relating to health of all age groups. A few details as follows:
• The teenage pregnancies have reduced to 7.9% (NFHS 4), early marriages have also gone down substantially to 26.8% (NFHS 4) as compared to the previous NFHS3 data.
• Further as per the NFHS 5 data released for 22 States/ UTs:
o 17 States/ UTs have shown improvement in the percentage of Women aged 20-24 years married before age 18 years
o 16 States/ UTs have shown reduced teenage pregnancies
o 20 States/UTs have shown improvement in percentage of women aged 15-24 yrs who are using hygienic methods of protection during their menstrual period
• The National level figures for NFHS 5 are yet to be released.
(b): Government is aware that the nutritional disorders, malnutrition as well as obesity are among the issues being faced by the adolescents in the country. These issues adversely impact their health and development
• Based on the National Family Health Survey NFHS 4:
o 42% of women and 45% of men in the age group of 15-19 yrs have BMI<18.5 (thin)
o 4.8 % boys and 4.2% girls have BMI >25 (obese)
o 54% of women and 29% of men in this age group suffer from anaemia
• The high rate of malnutrition in girls not only contributes to increased morbidity and mortality associated with pregnancy and delivery, but also to increased risk of delivering low birth-weight babies with low iron reserves. This contributes to intergenerational cycle of malnourishment and anaemia.
• Government is implementing Anemia Mukt Bharat under which administration of supervised weekly dose of Iron and Folic Acid tablets is done for In school and out of school adolescents along with screening of target groups for moderate/severe anaemia and referring these cases to an appropriate health facility for further management.
• Efforts like Poshan Abhiyan will go a long way in dealing with the chronic problem of Malnutrition where multi ministries are engaged.
• Promotion of intake of Double Fortified Salt (DFS) in ICDS, Mid-day meal and Public Distribution System (PDS) is mandatory
• Village Health and Nutrition Days are the joint initiative of the Ministries of Health & Family Welfare and the Ministry of Woman and Child Development for addressing the nutrition concerns in children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Village Health and Nutrition Days (VHND) are monthly days held at village level in Anganwadi Centre to increase the awareness and bring about desired changes in the dietary practices (including iron rich food) and promotion of breastfeeding.
(c): Government, through Drug De- addiction Programme (DDAP) is providing financial assistance for affordable, easily accessible and evidence based treatment for all substance use disorders to Government Hospitals/ health institutions like the National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre (NDDTC AIIMS), New Delhi; PGIMER Chandigarh; and NIMHANS, Bengaluru; Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, Dr. RML Hospital New Delhi; & AIIMS Bhubaneshwar.
Out of these six institutions the centre at AIIMS Delhi (NDDTC) is functioning as National/ Nodal centre. Another 27 drug treatment clinics are functional in District/ Civil Hospital across the country in which OPD Services are being provided.
(d) to (f): To address the burden of mental disorders, Government of India is implementing National Mental Health Programme (NMHP). Under the District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) in 692 districts, the objective is to
• Provide suicide prevention services, work place stress management, life skills training and counselling in schools and colleges.
• Provide mental health services including prevention, promotion and long term continuing care at different level of districts healthcare delivery systems.
• Augment institutional capacity in terms of infrastructure, equipment and human resource for mental healthcare.
• Promote community awareness and participation in the delivery of mental healthcare services.
Realizing the impact that COVID-19 might have on the mental health of the people, the Government has taken a number of initiatives to provide psychosocial support including a 24X7 helpline set up through NIMHANS, Bangalore to provide psychosocial support by mental health professionals.
Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health (LGBRIMH) Tezpur and Central Institute of Psychiatry Ranchi along with various States/ UTs are also extending the services in regional/ local languages.
Under Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) , Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics (AFHCs) established across the country provide adolescents with counselling services on major adolescent health issues including the mental health issues like stress, depression, suicidal tendency and violence.
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