Question : ECHS Facilities

(a) the estimated amount spent by the Government over the past three years in Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS) initiative for reimbursement of medicines and consumables in respect of ECHS beneficiaries;
(b) the number of beneficiaries who have availed the assistance through ECHS over the past three years and the amount spent by the Department of Ex-Servicemen in this regard;
(c) the new initiatives, if any, that have been planned by the Ministry of Defence for furthering these initiatives in the coming three years; and
(d) the details of the hospitals empanelled under ECHS in Maharashtra, district-wise?

Answer given by the minister

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(a) Amount spent by ECHS on reimbursement of medicines and consumables in respect of ECHS beneficiaries during last 3 years is as under:-

Year Expenditure
(Rs in Cr)
2016-17 655.22
2017-18 758.59
2018-19 771.84

(b) Details of beneficiaries who have availed the assistance and total amount spent during last three years are as under:-

Financial Year Beneficiaries Total amount spent (Rs in Crore)
2016-17 12,69,239 2914.91
2017-18 22,27,041 3869.47
2018-19 18,09,622 3226.52

(c) New initiatives planned by Ministry of Defence for furthering ECHS initiative in three years is as given under:

(i) Introduction of AYUSH OPDs as a pilot project in 5 polyclinics of Delhi & NCR to provide alternative systems of healthcare to ECHS beneficiaries.

(ii) Establishment of 24x7 helpline to guide and assist ECHS beneficiaries on general queries.

(iii) Land acquisition for construction of ECHS Polyclinics.

(iv) Construction of Polyclinic buildings.
(d) Details are given in Annexure.

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